
  1. Katsu! :3

    Destruction Modes are Boring, Here's Why

    Alright guys, I've come to an insane conclusion that clearly only I am able to figure out why. Destruction gamemodes, like, Robot Destruction... are BORING! Now hear me out hear me out. Okay you see these little robot dudes? They're cute right, they do what good robots do: move around n' shit...
  2. Sonoma

    Texas a7a

    Credits: Yaki for the logic prefab This is a Generator Destruction map Destroy the enemy's generator to win the game. There are two batteries that you can destroy to weaken the shields The batteries can be repaired after being destroyed by standing next to them THIS GAMEMODE IS STILL A WIP...
  3. GeeNoVoid

    pd_investment A3

    A small Player Destruction map where you collect money from enemies and cash it in.