
  1. Markus_McCloud

    CP - Painhandle (AKA Panhandle Event) 1.0

    (Honestly, I was planning to make the map file show as cp_panhandle_event but change to Painhandle once the map is loaded. Turns out, those Halloween renames are hard-coded by Valve, much to my disappointment. ^^; ) There is an old tale, told as a campfire story in the Oklahoma Panhandle... A...
  2. BoyOHBoy123

    Cloak Event 1

    This is a Halloween version of cp_cloak! Yes this is an out-of-season April Fools joke. (i wasn't aware someone else made a cp_cloak_event until posting this on tf2maps.net)
  3. Markus_McCloud

    72hr Jam 2023 Panhandle 72hr Version

    It's a beautiful morning in a remote part of the Oklahoma Panhandle... The sun is shining, the birds are singing... and the mercs are already blowing each other up at 8:30 in the goddamn morning. Typical... CP-Panhandle is my attempt of making a more-serious "Cloak" style 1CP map with a focus...
  4. wadmodder1999

    The mysteries & theories of CP_Cloak, the weird TF2 test map that Valve & nobody talks about.

    We are all more or less familiar with the weird test map included with Team Fortress 2 since the SteamPipe update of May 2013. That map of course is CP_Cloak, a map criticized by player for it's poor design, undetailed geometry & brushes, bad lighting, the crappy skybox with those weird boxes &...