
  1. nekomaster1000

    What new aesthetics should TF2 introduce?

    After having looked through every theme extensively, we currently have: Orange Badlands (Feat. RED wood and BLU metal/concrete buildings) Power Plants/Satellite Stations 60s Spy-bases Forest Lumberyards Fall Farms Snowy Bases (& Aliens!) Rainy Bases (& Buzzsaws!) Humid Jungles Autumn Night...
  2. Corvatile

    Past 72hr Jam Entry detail_corvatile_72hrs 2017-02-12

    A purely aesthetic map of a satellite station on a mountain created for the 72 hour TF2Jam. Uses some assets from the Frontline pack. Much like my entry for the last detail contest I didn't bother to make a 3D skybox.