
  1. Yaki

    AddVSCond 1.5.3 bug squashing update

    AddVSCond vscript is a system for controlling conditional states that can be applied to any entity. It works like the addcond and removecond system, where one condition can be only "on" or "off", and there can be several conditions applied at once. Not just for players--For any entity. Code...
  2. Markus_McCloud

    Medieval Kingmaker Alpha 1

    Medieval mode really needs a bit more love, so I figured why not make a small KOTH map with a royal twist? Every 60 to 90 seconds after the point is first captured, the doors to the throne room will open, and everyone needs to make a mad dash to the throne! For it is stated in the late king's...
  3. Doclic

    Adding player condition to entire team?

    Is there a way to add a player condition (found here to an entire team?