72h hour

  1. T

    72hr Jam 2024 Minehead alpha alpha 1

    Unfinished art pass of my koth map, map is fully functional except out of bounds area is missing alot of detail and underground is brush based instead of displacements
  2. Tavish

    72hr Jam 2024 Cobblefort b3

    This map was made for the 2024 72hour jam. Cobblefort is a cp map that is heavily inspired by Cobblestone from CSGO. I used custom assets from the frontline assetpack. Horse is no longer pink. B4 is coming very soon. So look out!
  3. yeah right

    72hr Jam 2024 Jam related overlays 1

    made during/for the 2024 72 hr jam
  4. floating hat

    72hr Jam 2023 HutWood a1

    my first 72h hour jam contest, made with less than an hour left. map takes place in northen forest. custom models/sprites used: frontline, london asset packs.