
Waterfall Alpha 3

Another update is here! In addition to some cool new props, I've addressed some more complaints people have had about this map:
  • A lot of people were complaining about the small size of the map. While I'm definitely going to expand upon it some more in future updates, in the meantime I made the main area around the control point slightly bigger (not extremely noticeable, but it will make getting to the other side take longer for some classes and give teams more time to react.)
  • Another big complaint was the lack of route options for spies, so I added a new path under the control point that loops around both waterfalls and has some cover to protect from soldiers and demos.
  • I extended the size of the door triggers again because apparently it wasn't enough last time
  • I've added a lot more cubemaps, specifically in spawn rooms, and I'm planning to add even more in future updates.
I'd also like to mention that while I know that the doors I added in the last patch are broken, I haven't been able to fix them yet. Hopefully they will still be able to function as intended, which is as a guard against spawncamping.
After having my map playtested for the first time, I made a few small changes for people to try out:
  • Increased door opening speed and extended door triggers to allow for faster classes to open doors sooner
  • Added doors separating the high bridges from the canyon walls to prevent spawn camping
  • Dimmed the lights over the control point
  • Fixed the respawnroomvisualizers from appearing inside the spawn room
  • Fixed the lowest resupply cabinet in each spawn so that players won't clip it walking down the stairs
  • Added some more clippings to stop players from getting stuck
Turns out I didn't pack it properly the first time I tried, so here's the actually correctly working map (I promise!)
Apparently I was unaware that I had to compile my map since I was using foreign textures and props, so here's the fixed version. I also altered the lighting slightly.