VIAFORT koth_viafort_a3

-Environment Lighting increased
-Building Lighting Increased
-New Sky-box
-Detailing added to rooftops and Improving team recognition
--Building 1
-Interior has been split in 2 halves
-Added props
--Inline Building
-Lowered Health Pedestal for accessibility
--Courtyard 2
-Added Ramps leading back into Building 1
--Control Point
-Increased func_nobuild area
Updating ViaFort to Alpha 2 Changelog
TLDR: Fixes Multiple Respawn timer issues, Sightlines, water*, and changes to the size of the capture zone.
-Water near Medium health kits have been switched from HL2 water to TF2 water making them display correctly* (Reflections are purple due to cubemaps and the skybox not wanting to coroperate right now)
--Mid Building
-lowered Max Heath kit platform downwards
-added a false door to the back for possible 5cp version.
-added prop_static barrel pallet to block sightlines.
-expanded capture zone
-fixed uneven decal
--Whole Map
-added several props to block long sightlines (E.g barrels and crates)
-added fog to soft patch terrible sightlines
-fixed respawn timers
-better lighting outdoors
Why you may ask? Well I couldn't bothered to set it up.