
Underpass A7ARF

Minor bugfix with the updated prefab version as the last was missing some outputs.
Updated the map to feature bug fixes and the latest version of the prefab. Also did some minor detailing.
Fixed two minor bugs that could cause major cataclysmic consequences (running theme for this map)
Also updated the button to be a capture zone with a 2 second capture window
Spies are nerfed more
The icons that display at 30 seconds left are fixed now
Fixed some edge case bugs and such
Overall just touched up the mode to get it to work properly now!

There are some things to still add of course and things I want to fix but we've got something working now so good time to test baby!
Packed it differently to fix the player counter bug hopefully
Fixed some vscript issues, added an outline to the buttons, updated the hud and directions and detailed the map some more
Added the updated logic which can be found on the prefab page, detailed a bit, updated the hud and sfx, added a new demo of the countdown song and tagged it as music, added fog and did some minor balancing and bug fixes
-Added more new graffiti
-Added player markers that show when there's 60 seconds left on the clock
-Added temporary music for the countdown and jail cell (Splatoon 1 - Now or Never and the Wii shop channel banner theme respectfully)
-Updated misc geo
-Fixed a bug with the jail cell door that could allow players to prevent it from opening
-Detailed a bit
Fixed some logic issues with the cells and updated them to a more recent design.