Twin Hill A1

Twin Hill A1 Alpha 1

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Twin Hill A1 Alpha 1

KOTH spread across 2 points*

An experiment, more or less. I wanted to create a koth map but the point is actually 2 points. The kicker here, however, is that unlike most other 2+ point koth maps, both control points are linked together and treated as one, meaning capping the point on one side of the map caps the point on the other.

This has a few notable consequences: as a result of both points being one, you can halt the progress of one point by simply standing at the other. This means a single dipshit scout can prevent the entire enemy team from capping even after a huge push, unless they break off and do something about it. Once a single team caps the point, they can just settle down right on top of the point and form a huge nest, potentially hard stalemating the game, but this is moreso a map issue, albeit made worse by the nature of the gamemode. I doubt my map fixes this.

Another potential problem exclusive to the map itself: I have no fucking clue what I'm doing and as a result this map is guaranteed to be horribly unbalanced. Here's some self made criticisms/notes I have about this map:
  • The center area is chock full of health and ammo kits, making it an engineer's wet dream. Control the center, and you may gain the advantage. idk. Most of my testing up to this point has been with bots so who knows what monstrosity I have unleashed here.
  • There are flank routes on either side of the map that I have no idea how useful they would be but hey at least they're there.
  • Sightlines that are either too niche to be useful or long enough to reach you from australia. I've tried my best to mitigate this by tossing a whole bunch of walls and cubes around but it may just be a lost cause.

Has this been done before? Kinda, and heres the inspiration for this pile of garbage, I took the multiple control points control 1 singular point aspect of it and made a map about it:
idk of any other maps that does this specifically. If there are I'm sure they did it much better.

Do I accept that this is a terrible map? Yes!

Do I have any regrets? Nope! we don't talk about flagrun

I slapped this together in 24 hours. What could possibly go wrong???
First release
Last update
King of the Hill
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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