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Triad a1

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Triad a1

KotH but rotates between 3 CPs

I love the idea of cp_standin but its gamemode logic and layout are problematic. koth_triad is my experiment in trying to do domination CP right. Listed below are my main gripes with cp_standin and my attempts to remedy them:
  1. Fights are too spread out and not focused.
    • Because all points on cp_standin are always available for capture, it causes players to head in all sorts of different directions. This leads to smaller, shorter fights scattered all over the map.
    • In koth_triad I change this by only having one point unlock at a time, creating concentrated, more chaotic (and hopefully fun) fights.
  2. It's possible for the round to stalemate.
    • Not just a problem with cp_standin, but any non-A/D CP gamemode. Stalemating makes the round less satisfying for everyone.
    • koth_triad as the name suggests uses a koth timer, even though there's more than one CP. Essentially, the game works by running multiple rounds of koth timers. The first round starts at a random CP, then after the round for that CP ends, a new round starts for a random CP that the team who just captured does not already own. This can include a CP that the other team captured in a previous round. If such a CP is selected for this new round, that CP's ownership is reverted back to neutral. The game as a whole ends when one team owns all three points.
  3. Points A and C are much further from spawn than B.
    • Since cp_standin is overall pretty flat (oh yeah, that's another separate con), that means all three points can't be equidistant from the spawns. This makes A and C less convenient to get to and somewhat ignored.
    • Admittedly I haven't fully fixed this in koth_triad, but it's something I should be able to improve upon when I get to doing a version a2. Right now, A is a little too quick to get to, and B is a bit too far. I should be able to fix this by adding more obstacles on the route to A and for B by rotating the spawn area so that players don't have to go out and loop back in order to get to B.
    • Ok, maybe this is a weird point to bring up but it'll make sense why it's needed after I explain the other quirk of this map.
So I also wanted to experiment with interesting catch-up mechanics, which for most maps is changing up the respawn timers and/or respawn room positions. For koth_triad, I decided the catch-up mechanic is offering direct routes to the non-incumbent team, that's to say, the team that lost the previous CP always gets a direct route from their spawn to the next CP. The other team can still get to the CP of course, but they have to go via the point(s) they've previously captured. For example, if Red owns A and B, Blu owns nothing, and C is currently being fought over, Red has to get to C via either A or B. Note: A, B, and C are all connected by a central area not directly accessible from spawn. In my own testing with bot players, this ends up leading to games with endless back and forth where it's extremely difficult to win all three CPs. This may be something I have to tweak, but I want to see how this turns out with human players first before making any changes.
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