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72hr Jam 2023 TF2 QUICK HISTORY! Abraham Lincoln!

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72hr Jam 2023 TF2 QUICK HISTORY! Abraham Lincoln!

Everything you need to know about TF2's favorite emancipator, in less than a MINUTE!


I've never made a Youtube short before! I adore the TF2 lore, and love collecting it all like this. I'm glad I did it, and I expect to do more of it. That being said, I'm a bit miffed that I can't do a custom thumbnail for shorts; I worked really hard on that comic cover edit, and I don't like that the thumb's just a picture of Billious. Still! For what it is, and for the time I was given, I'm really pleased.
  • THUMB1.png
    199.7 KB · Views: 81
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