72hr Jam 2024 TF Winter Ambience Loop 1.0
SFM Winter Ambience Loop
Had some fun in SFM and made a Winter Ambience Loop!
Uses mainly ingame audio with some of my own sourced assets included (These have been rightfully paid for)
Credit: Cheesypuff for the fire particle (used with permission)
Link to original workshop submission featuring particle
Uses mainly ingame audio with some of my own sourced assets included (These have been rightfully paid for)
Credit: Cheesypuff for the fire particle (used with permission)
Steam Community :: Cheesypuff
Info Trade Offer Link https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=106650857&token=v-W1VXFC My youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZR9YUB8Ln5K94MJ1tLwPCw
Link to original workshop submission featuring particle
Steam Workshop::★Unusual Effect: Celluloid Combustion