
Spout a3

Alpha 3 update - Changed the map name from cp_spigot to cp_spout.

+ Added more cover outside of blue spawn.
+ Added a deathpit to the far flank on point A.
+ Added connection between blue's upper entrance to point A and blue's secondary spawn.
+ Added low rooftop height advantage to the point A courtyard.
~ Moved point A outside of the point A shed and closer to red spawn.
+ Added height advantage over Point A, as well as a staircase to it inside the A building.
~ Modified the second story A->B connectors.
~ Modified lower point B entrance.
~ Increased the height advantage for the upper point B entrance.
+ Added upper flank to point B building.
~ Modified the point B building to be more interesting to fight in/around.
So... yeah, it's been a while since the initial release.
Any way, the first version was crap and I remade everything. Hopefully this one plays better than a1.

- Remade the layout.
- Changed the lighting/skybox around.

P.S. env_sun is cool.


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