
Past 72hr Jam Entry siege_herstadt a4a

a4a: minor tweaks that needed to happen
The timers that used to count down from 60 seconds have been replaced with a PD bar that counts up to the player-modified amount. More players standing on the point will result in different capture times, up to the maximum efficiency of 20 seconds.

As anyone should know, it's very rare for a pub to be in one place all at the same time, so expect times of 30 to 40 seconds, up to one player standing on point in a 24 player server, 240 seconds. Due to the nature of logic_case and the relatively small scale of the map (it's a one-stage two-capture PL, after all) it isn't sensible in any real way to support 32 players.

This is a big change for my map's gamelogic and I honestly can't say for sure that it functions correctly (it most likely does?). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Cart no longer prepares for takeoff
  • attackers have 2 in a half minutes to cap 2nd, they get another two minutes from there (down from a total of 6 minutes)
  • last-capturing issues fixed.
  • the route to the immediate right of spawn is now shut. this route opens only for the side that is decided defenders.
  • minor beautification done to some areas
mostly more safe changes, players in stage one MUST go the long route now, however.
  • all boats are now clipped, funkily clipped areas have also been taken care of.
  • there's now 2 payload CPs, capturing the one before last opens up a new route into the left building. Previously jumping classes were able to access this, everyone can now after capturing.
  • The hanging fishing boat on the right in the dry riverbed's cord snapped, you can go into the right building as any class rather than just jumping classes. (relative to where attackers's facing)
  • the area leading up to the bridge shrank, so did the dry riverbed itself.
  • once a defender is decided, their respawn time goes to 12 (previously 6)
Ideally the attackers should have a bit more of a chance without being too hamhanded on the brushwork, as the attacking team gets a point for getting the CP and getting the middle control point for a total of 2 scoreboard points, getting to last shouldn't be the easiest thing in the world and awards 3 total scoreboard points. If this is something that doesn't work out there's more brushwork I have in mind.