
Purpush v2

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Purpush v2

purple skybox


I painted this as a skybox once. Then I used it for my map, once. And some people liked it. Maybe you'll like it too. Not super good but it's cool-ish, I'd say!
it's a bad but quirky skybox

In the editor it's called "sky_purpush2".
light_env and fog settings seem to be pretty loose as to what can look good.
For ARENA Full Throttle, I used a light_env with "190 179 220 250" for brightness, "112 99 126 200" to ambient, -30 for pitch and 70 for yaw. Both world and skybox fogs were just coloured "48 42 82", without fog blend, starting from 512 and ending at 10k.

the above is probably rubbish that looks rubbish and feels rubbish

This skybox does not have any of the fancy HDR features, right now. Maybe one day.

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don't be a knob
Free to use and modify. Credit is appreciated but not required.
Deleted member 27649
First release
Last update