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Motherland CPPL_Motherland_a1_35

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Motherland CPPL_Motherland_a1_35

In soviet russia, maps plays you

A hybrid map with a 1 capture point and two checkpoints of payload torwards a massive factory with a choo choo train.
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Motherland A1 35

    Added a third checkpoint to improve gameplay aspect inside the factory Added a third forward spawn Added more shortcut to red to defend in second and third
  2. Motherland a1 32

    Fixed bug where the door opens in A point Added a shortcut where RED has a bitt of advantage torwards Middle Point. Added delays torwards doors when the train passes by Added new signage
  3. Motherland a1 31

    Some new changes of the laser mechanic, now it insta kills to avoid flooding with people everywhere more crowd control Redesigned the small flank to be more friendly user for BLU to acess and attack. Fixed massive bug where spawns are broken Add...