Mick's model mini-modifications massively re-mastered!

Mick's model mini-modifications massively re-mastered! 1.0

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Mick's model mini-modifications massively re-mastered! 1.0

Made by Mick-a-nator


Do these look familiar to you?

Yes, all these near-dead models have been given a spring clean, and now they are all YOURS for the nominal fee of a humble mention in map credits!
What are you waiting for? Take a closer look!
Download above is for the full pack. Individual elements have links under each description.

Closed/modular safe

A closed and a modular version of the spytech safe. You can choose to download the models only which will save space and use the Valve textures, but this has some nasty AO shadows, or you can download the modified texture as well. The Texture was made by stevethepocket, so don't forget to give him credit as well!
WARNING: There is an issue with the lighting origins! Cause and solution unknown at this time. Use an info_lighting in Hammer to rectify.

Security fence barbed wire only

The barbed wire from security_fence256. This uses the same texture so no new ones need to be downloaded!

Half Barrel Clusters

Not half-barrels, but only half the barrels as water_barrel_cluster. Same as above, no extra textures needed.
WARNING: The normals are not correct to the original model, causing slight shadow problems in some light. The cause is known, and a fixed version is in progress.

2_pipe and 3_pipe Length Variations and single versions

2_pipes and 3_pipes of lengths 24, 32, 48 and 96. Single pipes are of the same lengths, but more standard lengths are in the pipeline. Yet more texture-saving with these models.
WARNING: The normals are not correct to the original model, causing slight shadow problems in some light. The cause is known, and a fixed version is in progress.

P.S. Why am I uploading these if most are slightly broken? They are still usable, and I want to see how the community reacts to see if the fixes are really worth-while.
First release
Last update

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