
Lakehouse a6b

  • Removed the boxes near the point and opened up the rock wall next to it. I didn't like the behind-the-point gameplay so I hope this makes it easier for BLU to push RED players out of that area.
  • Clipped a sign on A.
  • Added a wall to the lakeside route to get rid of an ugly sightline.
  • Removed one of the jump pads on B point.
  • Removed the "hole-in-the-wall" route to B's lakeside route.
  • Added an underpass route that goes from under the old "hole-in-the-wall" route to under BLU's forward spawn. A medium healthpack has been added to the center.
  • Modified RED's spawn room quite a bit. Pushed it ~192hu closer to the point, removed the awkward window wall, and moved the spawns to a 45 degree angle.
  • Moved the jump pad on C to a more obvious position.
  • Made the new designated Engineer spot significantly safer. Replaced the fences with solid walls, added a roof, and added an additional wall to block long sightlines.
  • Added another side to the mini-shack; this makes the alternate sentry spot safer as well.
  • Adjusted some health and ammo near the mini-shack.
  • Updated the existing skybox to match the new outside changes.
  • Reduced the overall timer to 5 minutes and added 5 extra seconds of setup time.
Oh my dearest RED ENGINEER, I've hurt you dearly with this map thus far.
MAJOR GOAL: Give RED engineers a much easier time defending and finding sentry spots.
On B:
  • Cut off the hallway flank halfway through, giving an alcove with safe metal nearby. This does two things; eliminates a major threat for the balcony sentry AND gives a new sentry spot nearby. Plus, the route being blocked off allows RED to play more comfortably forward.
  • Removed the shutter door in the hallway flank and widened the doorway.
  • Removed the nobuild on the boxes on the balcony, and shifted an ammo pack and downsized it to give more of a hint than a purpose.
On C:
  • Moved metal to next to the shack (from above.) This makes building a "shack sentry" much easier.
  • Cut a large chunk out of the side near RED's B spawn and C spawn and added a new area. This area is designed to be a sentry spot; a large ammo kit is nearby, with access to RED spawn (provided you jump on your dispenser.)
  • Replaced the side staircase that nobody used on RED with a dropdown into this new sentry area.
  • Moved a resupply cabinet in BLU's A spawn.
  • Shifted resupply cabinets in RED's C spawn and added an additional one on the right side.
  • Increased C's cap time by 3s.
  • Replaced the sheet metal outside RED's shutter on C with a long short metal fence. This makes people capping the point closer harder to attack, but allows the ol' shutter spam to work better.
  • Gave the bottles in BLU's A spawn physics.

Sincerely, and with my greatest love,
- mousejumper
MAJOR GOAL: Visual clarity & detailing.
  • Added some textures to B's outside area.
  • Replaced out-of-bounds fences with security fence props on C.
  • Fixed some (not all) visual popping between B's outside area and C.
  • Added more of A to the 3d skybox (visible on C.)
MAJOR GOAL: C rework.
  • The far flank with the window leaving the factory has been majorly changed. It is now lower than the rest of the area, one door has been blocked off, and a metal fence has been added to prevent long sightlines.
  • The staircase leading up to BLU's ledge has been rotated and thinned to open up the gameplay space.
  • The right-side cliff for BLU has been widened. The metal fence has been removed, opening up new sightlines for either team.
  • RED's B forward spawn has been opened up and added to the gameplay space after B is capped. A new route now connects it to the right-side cliff.
  • Added a large ammo pack near the newly lowered window flank. This pack is very dangerous for forward RED players, but easy to grab for BLU once the area has been captured.
  • Added fog to the gameplay space that shouldn't interfere with long sightlines.
  • Fixed being able to stand on a spawndoor for BLU's A spawn.
  • The backrooms flank now opens after A is capped instead of B. Scouts and spies will benefit greatly from a new route into RED's safe staging area; watch out for scheming backcappers that have to walk past RED spawn!
  • The direction of BLU's forward spawn's dropdown door has been altered for a smoother drop.
  • Fixed C's jump pad, again, hopefully for the last time.
  • Banana
- Fixed a bug that forced RED's spawndoor open and allowed BLU players to enter RED spawn.
  • Covered a large safe sightline on A with a few walls.
  • Fixed a guidearrow on A so you can't bump into it while walking.
  • Put a func_nobuild on the metal pipe in B's factory room.
  • Clipped off some boxes you could get stuck in near B's factory room.
  • Removed the shortcut ramp for C point as it's no longer useful with RED's B spawn.
  • Retextured a common sentry spot on C to be visible before pushing.
  • Clipped off and lowered the jump pad on C. You can no longer walk into it, eliminating sniper potshots while still allowing the jump into C point.
  • Covered a large section of C point with a half wall. This breaks up sightlines for RED snipers, and allows BLU to more easily capture the point without getting spammed from RED's shutter door.
MAJOR GOAL: Make A feel less cluttered and give RED a clearer holding area.
  • Fixed up some prop spam on the point, specifically with the fences on its left side.
  • Pushed some displacements out of bounds so that you can more easily tell what's going on in some areas.
  • Replaced the coverup for the bypass flank with a wall.
  • Reimagined the whole cliff area:
  • Made the route to drop to point 128HU wider.
  • Moved the large ammo pack to that point route and added a medium health pack.
  • Rearranged the neutral large slope into a tighter slope setup that favors RED.
  • Raised the displacement where the old slope used to be to still allow that route while shaking up the gameplay space.
  • Modified the cliff slope on BLU's side so that it's easier to jump up.
  • Pushed the bar table and props to the floor in BLU spawn.
  • Removed collision for said props.
  • Changed out doors around the map that felt like spawn doors for more accurate brush doors.
  • Changed a flank staircase on A to mirror the one outside.
  • Added a hint to help with the backrooms easter egg.
  • Removed the cover on the covered route in B's factory room. Added a prop jump for Scouts. Pushed the health pack further to the right side of the route.
  • Removed the health and ammo above the covered route in B's factory room.
  • Added a teleport zone when B is capped inside RED's B spawn.
  • Fixed some fences not touching the floor on C.
  • Made the point skin update after C is capped.
  • Added some height to the jump pad on C so that you have to jump onto it to activate it. This SHOULD make it easier to ride the jump without canceling the forward movement.
  • Re-enabled the forcerespawn from older versions for RED. This takes place inside the new forward spawn and should help with B getting rolled. If problems continue, I will likely put the forcerespawn back into the A spawn.
  • Added a new forward spawn for RED after A is capped.
  • Changed the area inside BLU's first spawn to be less weird. Added a mousejumper signature.
  • Removed clipping for RED's resupply cabinet on B after A is capped.
  • Fixed a weird one-way door on B.
  • Added proper staircases to RED's C spawn and made the windows less strange.
  • Blocked off the bypass route on A and removed some nearby floating crates.
- Hotfix to fix a few audio issues related to the new easter egg.
  • Fixed a lighting issue
  • Added a funny little easter egg
  • Turned a weird diagonal ramp to a more clearcut one.
  • Modified the pillar outside spawn; thinned it out and added an easy route for RED to hold the pillar temporarily.
  • Removed an overhang from the main factory door. This makes pressuring A from inside B much, much easier.
  • Expanded the staircase area next to the lake so that you don't have to touch the trigger to stand in the high ground.
  • Disabled the force respawn for RED after A is capped to gather more feedback.
  • Metal walls around the main factory door have been shortened overall.
  • The door next to lakeside A has been turned into a one-way door.
  • The area near the door has been turned into a mini-room separated from the rest of the main factory room.
  • This mini-room connects to lakeside B for quick backcaps on any class if RED isn't paying attention.
  • Nuked the pipe pixel sightline.
  • Fixed some problems with the newest shutter door.
  • Increased RED's respawn wave time by 2s after B is capped.
  • Modified the dropdown shutter door for BLU's forward spawn. Increased the trigger zone, overall size and pushed it into the corner.
  • Raised the skybox of the entire outside area by 256hu.
  • When B is capped, the staircase allowing quick rollouts to the shutter door is removed. This pushes RED out of BLU's high ground much faster.
  • The health pack in the weird corner next to the big door has been moved to just inside the shutter door for a similar reason.
  • A large health pack has been added outside the normal window to shake up the area and provide something to fight over in that zone.
  • Moved the full health pack on C's ledge to a more open position and turned it into a medium pack.
  • Raised the height of the walls outside RED's final spawn by 64hu.
  • Added a large shutter door and one-way windows to the area outside RED's final spawn. This discourages building sentries inside to defend the point, while also making it much harder for BLU to easily sneak into RED's secluded spawn area.