
Lakehouse a6b

MAJOR GOAL: Nerf the B hold for RED.
  • Removed the main shutters in an attempt to open up the point more.
  • Removed the health and ammo packs near the metal fence in the factory room.
  • Added a pallet to the old shutter room to allow all classes to use the prop jump and get onto the half wall.
  • Turned the full ammo pack under BLU forward spawn into a medium pack.
  • Added a window to the lakeside flank for B.
  • Expanded the hallway flank for B.
  • Expanded the exit for the hallway flank near RED's forward spawn so that you can easily spam the normal sentry spot from the flank.
  • Added cover to the hallway flank.
  • Replaced the wall in the middle of the hallway flank with crates.
  • Moved the health pack in the middle of the hallway flank so it gives BLU players an advantage.
  • Added a shutter next to the staircase for the entrance into the hallway flank.
  • Added health and ammo packs to RED's forward spawn after it is converted to a gameplay space.
MAJOR GOAL: Modify the exit to RED's final spawn and the rollout after A is capped.
  • The one-way door between B and C is now fully openable before B is capped, but reverts to a one-way after B is capped. This will speed up the rollout onto B significantly. Guide arrows have been modified to reflect the new rollout.
  • Removed an overhang from an entrance into the C outside area.
  • Removed the metal fence directly outside of RED's spawn.
  • Raised the cloth shack structure to break a sightline.
  • Added a raised area near the underpass route for BLU to break a sightline and shake up the flat gameplay space.
  • Moved the jump pad for RED players on C to the opposite side of the spawn area; also added a small pool of water for jumping players to fall in for no fall damage.
  • Modified the main exit to RED spawn so that it is two staircases converging as opposed to one staircase.
  • Smoothed out the hill on A.
  • Updated the jump pads around the map with new visual and aural components.
  • Raised the pipe on B forward so that it interferes less with the gameplay space. Props have been added around to break the long sightline that got re-added.
  • Modified a jump pad on B to make it less annoying to use.
  • Lowered the fences on the lakeside area on B to make it appear more open.
  • Replaced the security fence with a wooden fence for the jumpable area.
MAJOR GOAL: Improve certain visual elements around the map.
  • Walls previously textured with reflectivity 80 are now lowered to 70.
  • Began creation of a 3d skybox.
  • Fixed the diaper skybox around the map and made it more form-fitting.
  • Displacements added and textured around A point.
  • Added arrows around A point.
MAJOR GOAL: Change much of the cover around A point to make it feel less cluttered and give more connectivity.
  • Added a rock slope to get on the metal roof outside A spawn. You can now take the cliff face as BLU much quicker without rotating around the whole structure.
  • Removed all brush fences around A. Reworked cover around point to deny some sniper sightlines.
  • Reworked the one-way door flank on A by elevating and centralizing the normal door route. An extra medium ammo pack has been added inside the flank.
  • Map has been shifted inside the hammer editor to be centralized at 0,0 instead of an awkward number. This does not change gameplay but may break location-based feedback from older tests.
  • Added nobuild under certain shutter doors.
  • Once again, attempted to fix the door for RED's forward spawn by deleting the func_door and prop_dynamic after a short delay to make sure the door doesn't get stuck.
  • Modified the bounce pad on C to go directly up instead of at an angle.
  • Added barbed wires to the top of the spawn wall on C. Snipers and demos previously abused this area for vantage points and sightlines. Don't stand there too long!
MAJOR GOAL: Significantly nerf the "shutter hold," where RED team holds the shutter room on B and is able to watch both areas at once. Attempt to force RED to hold either forward in the open room or back towards point.
  • Lowered the main doorway to block sightlines.
  • Moved the health and ammo pack from the shutter room to just outside it to force holding players to push forward or retreat to find pickups.
  • Added a huge drain pipe and additional metal wall into the open room to break the area into 2 effective "zones" and break up huge sightlines.
  • Removed the prop jump to get onto the ledge of the wall. The area has been blocked off entirely to nerf the sentry spot outside BLU's forward spawn.
  • Added a small vent-like passage from the flank hallway into the shutter room so that RED must worry about multiple angles. (RED Spies can also use this entrance for a surprise drop-stab.)
  • Fixed some clipping on the outer area of B.
  • Removed a bit of clipping on the fences between A and B near the lake. You can now jump over it as Soldier/Demo, but be wary of standing on the barbed wire!
  • Changed the walls in front of the RED C and BLU A spawnpoints to one-way windows.
  • Added pickup patches around the whole map.
  • Replaced a staircase on C with a bounce pad.
  • Moved a health and ammo pickup from under the balcony on B to nearby.
  • Added nifty little signs to the forward spawns for each team.
  • Lowered the respawn times for each team. (4 for BLU, 6 for RED.) No differences between points as of yet; needs further testing.
  • Added arrows to various spots to streamline movement a bit more while working on major changes.
  • Fixed z-fighting on all brush-based doors.
- Blocked off the gameplay space fences with blockbullets.
  • Disabled the func_respawnroom in RED's forward spawn as it becomes a gameplay space.
  • Commands have been spaced out after A is capped to (hopefully) fix the door bug and so that RED can get an instant respawn in their forward spawn.
  • Fixed some awkward clipping for the dropdown door in BLU's forward spawn.
  • Lowered the last cap time some more to increase the chances of backcapping.
  • Added a one-way door on the upper route from the indoors section. This blocks off sightlines and makes it harder for RED to stay in the place for long, though still possible.
MAJOR GOAL: Give height variation to the map.
  • Added a rock near the cliffside to change sightlines and force a longer walk for the under-cliff route. Also adjusted the upper part of the cliff so you can jump over the rock.
  • Adjusted the wooden beam on the under-cliff route to be smaller.
  • Added a route in the under-cliff route that leads to the lakeside area. Not great for most classes, but can provide some surprise.
  • Added a raised area near point to block long sightlines and provide a change of high ground.
  • Lowered the whole lakeside area to prevent new sightlines and also lowered the interior area for B's section of lakeside.
  • Raised the ground of the flank shack and spire on A so there's a better reason to go there.
  • Modified the box pile near the one-way door so the space feels more open.
  • Adjusted the left shutter door for an easier rollout before A is capped.
  • Put a door on the B lakeside route that only opens after B is capped. (You can't bypass the point anymore.)
  • Added raised area on B point and the lakeside route.
  • Added jump pads to B point so you can reach previously difficult or inaccessible high ground.
  • Moved BLU's forward spawn to before the B point (above the covered box area.)
  • Turned BLU's old forward spawnroom into an additional flank path.
  • Raised the high platform on C.
  • Adjusted the cliff near the covered dropdown so that RED can access the high ground.
  • Added a cliff near the rock on C that both teams can contest.
  • Added covers to some entrances to block sightlines.
  • Opened up the area beside the cave route for BLU to contest.
  • Pushed RED's spawn back by a significant amount and added a lobby area before the last point. C can no longer be contested from spawn.
  • Added and adjusted health and ammo around C point.
  • Disabled the respawn cabinet prop after A is capped for RED's forward spawn.
  • RED now respawns right after A is capped to help with the extended walk.
  • Removed collision for guidearrows after they've been disabled.
  • Marked the C cap zone.
  • Decreased the cap time for C point by a large margin.