-Added a new arena with a new weapon!
-Added The P.U.M.M.E.L.E.R. A melee hammer which creates an explosion on every player hit. Pretty long range, a bit fast swing speed, increased movement speed etc.
-Added Headshotting, it scores 3 points and plays the machina sound (cool and satisfying)
-Fixed portal issues in the arenas
-The Shield can't be picked up again for a person with an active shield (if their shield gets destroyed, they can pick it up again though)
-Changed each arena's weapon text and glow to fit the arena color schemes
-Respawn rooms now have doors, and the uber effect is only applied for 2.5 seconds after spawn
-Players emit teleporter particle and sound on spawn now
-The G.I.B.B.E.R now has 32 ammo in the clip while I try to figure out how to make it use a meter recharge
-Made the max points limited to 180
-Fixed the teleport sound sometimes not playing when teleporting into arenas
-Some soundscript tweaks like the zapper and railer now do mangler pump sounds