-> Change completely the starting ramp going into A to make the angles more interesting and less choky.
-> Replaces the props on both side of the factory building to improve climbing them (and making it more clear they can be climbed).
-> Added some pickups around the maps (or increase some of the already present)
-> Increase spawn cooldown for red on last point
-> Moved the secondary red spawn (after B capped) behind the tree
-> Removed access to the first red respawn room after B capped
-> Slight last point modification to reduce spawn camping on the exits
-> Changes on point A to give more engineers spots inside the room
-> Changes inside the central building ground floor to open it more for better sentry spots
-> Added a pathway for blu secondary spawn and turn the spawner when B is capped so player use the newly unlock shortcuts/exits
-> Slight changes to some windows (merged) to reduce peeking
-> Slight changes to some pickups
Thanks to Tumby for explaining Inputtest() and both gidi30 and Mr. Burguers for the help with round start and door not opening correctly.
-> Removed the last point from building in front of red spawn and readded the old last point building from previous version at the end of the track
-> Added a secondary red spawn connected to the original that makes it faster for red to get into the last point
-> Small change on point A to reduce spamming from elevated position without committing to getting into the garage
-> Slightly changed the area before point A to help engineers of both sides.
-> Lowered the last point to allow entry from the container next to the dock.
-> Improved ramps onto the dock main building's "roof" for both sides
-> Modified red's access to point A to not have it arrives directly at the top of the stairs
-> Added door that lock red's direct access to point A after B is captured
-> Added an exit to red spawn on last point's side to reduce spawn camping when B is captured
-> Increase red respawn time on after A is captured (from 4 to 5 sec/wave) and after B is captured (from 6 to 7 sec/wave)
-> Removed one of the rollback before last
-> Windows added to central building bottom floor (and red entry door moved slightly) to help avoid sneak attacks
MAP : Complete revamping of the map with added height variations, change of blue spawn (and addition of a secondary spawn in the middle), removal of point D, change of cart path and huge changes in the alley area (into cavern).
-> A lot of giant tree roots have been added to various spot around the map. Some replace already existing planks/higher(up positions, some add new such positions and some are simply line of sight blockers or decors.
-> Point D was modified to have more covers for blue and red to make it more interesting and less of a slaughter house/grind fest.
-> A giant tree was added to last point, to the sky box and the "start of the game" text was changed to refer to The corrupted tree singular.
-> The red/white brick wall texture has a strange lighting difference with the normal one despite using the same parameters (at least for those that can be set to the same values)
-> The skybox limits are very visible due to a mismatch in lighting
-> One of the wood texture is very reflective
-> Once, the cart went upside down when reversing on point A. Might be because of strange physics interaction.
-> On point D, when opening the doors, the cart need to be exited then re entered to make it work when the door is finally opened.
-> A was moved slightly back and the Garage window was removed to help make the approach more interesting and allow blu some flanking options.
-> B was move to inside the Dock building to focus defense inside and increase "point B to C" travel time. Additionally, a door was added on the shortcut from blue spawn to B and a door was moved int on this building (Alley side) to help Blu keep this zone and reduce Red capacity to hold the Alley after A has been captured.
-> C was moved inside the "new" building instead of in front of D. Additionallu, a door temporarily blocking the cart was added at the entrance of D. All this to increase the "point C to D" travel time.
-> Points were renamed to "(X) Name" to help players follow which point was captured.
-> With the points' change of position, some of the wood board were moved to better reflect the points' new position and be seen by incoming players.
-> Some pickup were changed to help defenders (especially engies)
-> The red/white brick wall texture has a strange lighting difference with the normal one despite using the same parameters (at least for those that can be set to the same values)
-> The skybox limits are very visible due to a mismatch in lighting
-> One of the wood texture is very reflective
-> Once, the cart went upside down when reversing on point A. Might be because of strange physics interaction.
-> New building "loading" in the B to C path. This should reduce sight-lines and make fighting here more easy for red engineer and help red position in the building on their side.
-> Improved pickups on defence side to help prolonged fights without distributors.
-> New decoration on docks and a light in the crate on B
-> Respawn time as been adjusted again to avoid too long respawn for red after point A.
-> The red/white brick wall texture has a strange lighting difference with the normal one despite using the same parameters (at least for those that can be set to the same values)
-> The skybox limits are very visible due to a mismatch in lighting
-> One of the wood texture is very reflective
-> New blu dock area with walkway to the alley point
-> Made the alley point higher with walkway to get to it for better defensibility and more height variety in the map (changes have been made to fit the passageways to other areas form it)
-> Added new containers to the main dock sides to reduce sight lines and increase platforms for vertical angle of attacks.
-> Moved the health/ammo in docks to help attackers and increase respawn time for defenders on C point (goes back to "normal" when C is capped)
-> Locked hangar blu door before C is capped
-> Huge reduction in the skybox size and many partition to improve performances
-> Added some lights to help darker areas
-> Some issues with rollforward/back zone for track train resolved (thanks AllInTw0)
-> The red/white brick wall texture has a strange lighting difference with the normal one despite using the same parameters (at least for those that can be set to the same values)
-> The skybox limits are very visible due to a mismatch in lighting
-> One of the wood texture is very reflective
-> Completely new red spawn with new exits blocking flanking blu players.
-> Updated D point room with more blocking element for side door. Side door now see through for better attack
-> Updated red access of the D point to have a closed access from their spawn to stop looping players' spawn camping there too easily.
-> Added an door to this red access with the archive building so blu can still flank the D point
-> Remove the advance blu spawn and replaced it with a hallway unlocked when A is captured
-> Some changes to blu side of the docks to stop some sight lines on their exist from the hallway unlocked on capping A
-> (re)Added the blocking door in garage that unlock when B is capped
-> Added a walkway inside the dock building and closed most windows to make it more interesting to defend/fight in it. Some windows were also added for red access to the walkway and blu vision on said walkway.
->Created a combined texture for the red/white brick wall
-> Some respawnroomvisualizer issues (thanks logic_script 2022)
-> The red/white brick wall texture has a strange lighting difference with the normal one despite using the same parameters (at least for those that can be set to the same values)