
Foldover Final

This is the final build of Foldover for Contest #18 - Stack the Deck.

  • Added missing playerclip on railings on the stairs at point C
  • Added missing playerclip to a decorative door on BLU's balcony at C
  • Re-textured the basement to better reflect BLU's presence
  • Extended a fence in the A-B buffer yard to make an exit from the stairs safer for BLU
  • Slightly widened part of the area outside of the second-floor exit from RED's forward spawn
  • Raised the top of the outdoor doorway in this same area slightly to match the height of other nearby doorways
  • Added blockbullets to the stairs around C
  • Fixed more instances of z-fighting
  • Optimization pass
  • Final art pass
With the contest coming to a close, this layout is pretty much finalized. I'm only planning to change it if major issues arise.

  • Fixed a player clip brush in the area near BLU spawn extending into a hallway near C directly above
  • Added missing player clip on a staircase in the A-B buffer building
  • Fixed several instances of z-fighting
  • Added more signs in the RED base to aid in navigation
  • Removed a wall in the lower floor of the A-B buffer building to make movement through the area smoother (the remaining wall is needed to break up some sightlines)
  • Lowered the ceiling in a side hallway in the RED base to further visually differentiate it from the rest of the area
  • Fixed a visible nodraw texture in the room with point A
  • Handrails should no longer block projectiles
  • Tweaked respawn times to give BLU a better chance at pushing
  • Increased round length from 6 minutes to 8 minutes
  • Added brushwork for sloped roofs
  • Added soundscapes
  • Fixed ambient_generics for the rushing river beneath the floor grates near BLU spawn not playing
  • Further detailing work, including trying to make the previously uniform hallways in the RED base more varied with unique landmarks
Feedback in the last playtest said that the area between BLU spawn and A wasn't fun, so that was the primary focus of this update.

  • Fixed the one-way exit trigger meant to activate at RED's forward spawn exit when B is captured being active at the start of the round, which resulted in erratic door behavior
  • Removed misplaced player clip in the A-B buffer yard left over from an older layout
  • Removed several outdoor lamps to reduce visual clutter
  • Major changes to the area between BLU spawn and A
--- Widened + opened up the main route
--- Removed a pillar just before A to make the area less choke-y
--- Raised the ceiling in this area and slightly lowered the ceiling near A to make the ceiling uniform
--- Raised the elevated walkway along the outer wall
----- Raised the left exit corridor in BLU spawn to match the new height
--- Added a new elevated pathway in front of the existing one, which wraps all the way around from A to BLU spawn
--- Removed or rearranged barriers
--- Replaced wooden-fence barriers with more thematically appropriate ones
--- Reduced the size of the cover building on BLU's right side of the main hallway
--- Added additional cover around BLU's spawn exits
--- Added a small room between two of BLU's spawn exits for extra cover right after exiting
- More detailing work (still more to do!)
  • Both teams now respawn instantly in their respective forward spawns when B is captured
  • RED's forward spawn room and resupply locker are both deactivated when B is captured. The doors to the forward spawn become one-way so that players may exit but not enter
  • Fixed an incorrect texture in BLU spawn
With the contest deadline creeping up and layout changes becoming fewer and smaller, I've decided to make the jump from alpha to beta.

  • Raised the shed by the cliff to be a highground area, based on a suggestion from the most recent playtest
  • Changed a side hallway in the B-C buffer zone to offer a more direct side route between B and C
  • Decreased capture time on B to try to compensate for BLU's long walk to get there (I've tried to shorten the walk as much as possible, but the layout doesn't really support making it any shorter :( A good learning experience for future maps, I suppose)
  • Increased capture time on C to give RED a better chance at defending after losing B
  • Replaced ramps with stairs
  • Changed walls beneath and behind BLU's balcony at C to break up a sightline
  • Removed an exit from RED's forward spawn to prevent an exploit involving the Rescue Ranger
--- Made one of the remaining exits from RED's forward spawn larger to compensate for this
--- Added a half-wall in the hallway where the removed exit was to further prevent this exploit
  • Added a second resupply locker to BLU's main spawn room in the left flank hallway
  • Moved the func_respawnroomvisualizers for BLU's forward spawn to the doorways leading outside to reduce RED's ability to shoot into the spawn room
--- These will not be visible until BLU forward spawn is active so as to prevent confusion for RED on where BLU's spawn is
  • RED players who are dead or in the forward spawnroom when B is captured will now respawn instantly in the spawnroom at C
  • Adjusted some health and ammo packs
  • Extensive detailing work (not finished though)
  • Added an Easter egg
With the contest deadline fast approaching, I'm hoping to finalize the layout soon and move on to an art pass.

  • Fixed a displacement in the A-B buffer yard that encroached on the play area through a wall
  • Gutted the A-B buffer building and added a much simpler indoor layout
  • Shortened the left flank in the A-B buffer building
  • Made some of the doorways in the A-B buffer building slightly taller
  • Removed an entrance into the A-B buffer building to simplify the layout
  • Reconfigured the raised area around A slightly
  • Adjusted a staircase near A and added a window at the top
  • Added another window to the flank near BLU spawn
  • Shortened respawn time for RED when C is active
  • Simplified a side hallway in the B-C buffer area
  • Added displacement floors at B and in the A-B buffer yard
--- This change involved changing the level geometry quite a bit to make room for the displacements. Please let me know of any issues you spot that may have been caused by this change in particular.
  • Removed most signage
  • More detailing work, especially around C
  • Fixed stray player clip brushes in a few spots that were left over from older layouts
  • Changed trigger_hurt in the toxic water at C to provide visual and auditory feedback to players who are standing in it
  • Adjusted position of some health and ammo packs + added a few more
  • Expanded BLU's balcony at C towards the point
  • Added cover to BLU's balcony at C
  • Extended RED's balconies at C to allow for better coverage of the point
  • Adjusted a staircase from A to the A-B buffer yard to be less steep
--- Removed a redundant exit from this staircase that allowed defenders to cover both staircases at once from a distance
  • Moved a doorway in the A-B buffer building to hopefully make navigation easier
  • Added many more arrows around the map to help guide players to each point
  • Reworked the exterior of BLU's forward spawn to make it clearer when it is not active
--- Added a wall between the two exits from BLU's forward spawn on the outside to make spawn camping harder
- RED forward spawn now remains active until B is captured
--- Because of this, RED's forward spawn now has two-way doors
  • Made lights brighter in the RED base
  • Adjusted respawn times for both teams
  • Adjusted cap times for points
  • Added contest cards around the map to point out which contest criteria are being met (these will be removed before the final version)
  • 3D skybox work
  • More detailing work
Updated the map filename so hopefully the server will like it now
Repacked the map with custom textures included
  • Rearranged two of the exits from BLU spawn to eliminate some sightlines that allowed RED to see and shoot at players as they spawn
  • Increased the size of the capture zone for A
  • The indoor staircase in the A-B buffer building now faces BLU's side instead of RED's to give BLU an easier time pushing B
  • BLU's forward spawn doors are now two-way, but will not open until B is captured
--- Added resupply signs over these doors which only appear when they are unlocked
- Added small side entrances to C from BLU's side
--- Opened up the area below the balcony to accommodate these passages
- Reworked the stairs between A and the A-B buffer zone yet again to try to shorten travel time for BLU
--- This is about as short as I can make them without significantly altering the layout of the map, which I don't want to do as this area is designed specifically to satisfy some of the contest requirements.
--- The area surrounding A has been significantly altered to accommodate the rearranged stairs
--- The yard above A has also been reworked to accommodate the rearranged stairs and break up sightlines
  • The outdoor stairs in the A-B buffer yard leading to the second floor of the building are now indoors to break up sightlines and make it easier for BLU to push
  • Closed off an unused dead-end area in the A-B buffer building
  • More detailing work