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Elbistan a4c

-Fixed sloppy brushwork

-Fixed problems with spawn triggers

-Fixed clipping problems

-Corrected some incorrect textures

-Fixed deathpit triggers

-Removed unnecessary light entities

-Fixed gaps in displacements

(update by @Midnite)
- lowered the resupply cabinet on the forward spawn of c to the ground

- removed all of the roll forward zones

- fixed some sloppy brushwork
- fixed an issue with HDR lighting
- widened the corridor of b -> c

- scaled down the chickenwire texture on point a

- relocated the healthpack on the highground on b

- redesigned the red forward spawn on c

- added another flank to c

- fixed some sloppy brushwork
- made texturing more consistent
- fixed some sloppy brushwork
- gave some more space to the attacking team on A

- redesigned the deathpit on D (Now it doesnt insta kill you)

- added more flank routes to D

- added more space to C

- added a new flank route to A

- moved the forward spawn for red on C back
- fixed some sloppy brushwork

- changed blu teams respawn room
- redesigned the blu respawn room
- Redesigned the last point

- redesigned the 3rd point

- added the garage area for the to the first point

- moved the blu and red shared forward spawn back

- added a ramp to the 2nd points balcony to give easy access to red team

- added another forward spawn for red