CTF WILD WEST 2015-12-28
Classic wild west themed capture the flag on small but intense map.
A saloon, a railroad station, a church, a bank, a sherif's office and a prison. This little town got everything You need to feel like an intel stealing outlaw of the Wild West. There's even an old Honky-Tonky Piano in the saloon, which plays a nice boogie-woogie when you shoot at it.
The map is entirely playable with bots. Just type tf_bot_add in the console. I would recommand to play this 6vs6 for an optimal result.
Feel free to report any bugs or glitches and if You have a question or proposition, let me know.
Have fun cow-boys and -girls!
The map is entirely playable with bots. Just type tf_bot_add in the console. I would recommand to play this 6vs6 for an optimal result.
Feel free to report any bugs or glitches and if You have a question or proposition, let me know.
Have fun cow-boys and -girls!