Added displacements to the rock walls to make the rooms more cavey
Fixed some lighting issues caused by the displacements
Did an art pass on the foyer of both bases
Added a few identifying overlays on each base
Fixed a few random BLU spawn points that were inexplicably facing the wrong direction when the round started
Clip-brushed the stalagmites to prevent players getting stuck between them and the displacements
Textured a few more things at mid
That's all for the jam! I'm gonna keep working on this afterwards, but I'm really proud of what I accomplished in the 72 hour time limit. I only started working in hammer on Tuesday the 10th, so I'd call this a resounding success re: learning this skill! I can't wait to continue mapping and improving. Feedback is appreciated as always!
Added more walls to the main path to mid. These will be rocky displacements when I start doing art-related things to this map, but for now they're here to help break up the open space.
Enclosed all of the "outside" areas except directly above the mid point - this is both tightening the playspace and building to theme (two mining bases fighting over a building in mid exposed to the open sky).
Due to popular request, added a round timer. This functions identically to the timer on cp_powerhouse - it starts at ten minutes, and capping mid resets the timer to ten minutes.
Added more overlays to direct players towards mid. Hopefully, people will no longer get lost.
As always, feedback is appreciated! Unless playtesting brings up any drastic issues today, I'll be looking to start making these caves feel more cavernous (and I'll be adding props, too!) for a9 when I get off work tonight. Thank you!
Added blockbullets brushed stairs to the fast path to disrupt sightlines and add options for vertical combat
Added small entryways to the mid pavillion on either side of the staircases mentioned above. These paths do not give direct LOS on mid, but allow classes like Heavy and Pyro to contest mid without having to deal with the chokey spam and snipers of the fast path's direct entrance to mid.
Added signpost overlays at various positions around the map to help avoid confusion
Fixed spectator cams being skewed in a way that destroys your camera
Fixed a couple of weird inconsistent indents in the terrain surrounding mid
Added lights in a few more important locations
As always, let me know what you think! Constructive criticism is always appreciated
Completely, fundamentally redesigned the middle capture point. The upper floor is no more! The building is much smaller, and the medium health and ammo kits that were inside the building now are only accessible from outside.
Added a bunch of walls to more open areas to try and break the monotony of the flat, uninterrupted spaces that plagued a5. Displacements will come with a7 and beyond to fit to theme
Created more displacements, and begun replacing skyboxes with rock ceilings to fit to theme
Added a wall (with inset window) to the attacking balcony on last. Ideally this gives the defending team better angles and more opportunity to defend by funnelling all attackers through one door on the top floor
Added "forward spawns" - when you cap mid, your spawn direction flips to orient you towards the forward push door.
Fixed the funny spot on mid (thank you testers for the "YOU CAN STAND HERE?" comments!)
Fixed the floating resupply cabinet in RED spawn
The flanks from a5 now end in one-way doors; you can no longer bypass interaction with the enemy team altogether by taking the outside path
As always, let me know what you think needs changing! Hopefully, a7 tends towards primarily artistic changes with minor gameplay changes. Thanks!
Fixed a few seams on the displacements I placed in a4
Added a window to the room opposite mid overlooking an out-of-bounds rocky outcropping (just basic detailing now, more will be done w/ this in a6 or later
added full flank paths connecting the outermost houses on either side with the building opposite mid, complete with additional medium health kits, a one-way window, and two floors to fight on. This means you now have a path to reach the enemy team's base without ever contesting the sightlines in the outside area - will need to focus on this in playtesting to make sure these options aren't totally imbalanced
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