CP Melee Fort Special Edition

CP Melee Fort Special Edition A17

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CP Melee Fort Special Edition A17

Competitive? I barely know her!

NEW AND EXCITING! It's CP Melee Fort A17, Special Edition!

What's so special about this build of Melee Fort? And why? Well, this is built just for CTFL's contest, and it's quite a bit different than the CP Melee Fort you're probably more familiar with. This is basically the next build, A18, of CP Melee Fort, with all of it's balance changes, and then some. For starters, it's now a night theme, with a light dusting of Viaduct's snow. And yes, this includes the stage pyrotechnics!

The moats now do some light damage to players who fall in, due to it being pretty darn chilly out there now. But that's not all there is to new hazards, oh no. The last points get their ropes replaced with barbwire! Touch these, and you'll regret it. This will really jack up the difficulty of the map. And the Slobberknocker Storehouse gets DUEL Melee Fort's cage added to it, with even MAOR barbwire thrown in there, because fuck it why not. Touching the hazard tape is fine. I mean, it's just thin plastic. Not that big a deal unless you're a sea turtle or something. Touch the barbwire woven into the cage walls however and they'll be picking bits of your shredded flesh outta there for hours.

But that's not all! This very very special edition of CP Melee Fort gets one last thing- new Titantron theme music! RED gets Sex Pistols' Holidays in the Sun, and BLU gets Paul McCartney & Wings' Live and Let Die.

All this brand new super exclusive very special edition of CP Melee Fort can be YOURS to enjoy! .... I mean, if you're participating in CTFL I guess. But hit that download button anyway! Do it! DO IT!!
First release
Last update
Symmetrical CP

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