
Cali A9A

koth_cali A9 Update

- Adjusted spawnrooms

- Slightly widened alternative route
koth_cali A9 Update:

- Adjusted elevation of various routes

- Slightly adusted spawn room locations/distance

- Adjusted respawn times

- Adjusted doorway sizes/sightlines

- Adjusted location of some pickups

- Adjusted clipping/nobuild around the map
koth_cali A8 Update:

- Adjusted elevation of various routes

- Slightly widened the capture area

- Slightly adusted spawn room locations

- Adjusted respawn times

- Adjusted doorway sizes

- Adjusted location of some pickups

- Adjusted clipping/nobuild around the map
A7A Update:

- Adjusted height of new flank route so that defenders can't easily use it against attackers.

- Fixed tape overlay outlining the capture zone not showing up.

- Adjusted geometry of main interior route

- Adjusted various doorways

- Added new ammo pack near control point.

- Moved large ammo pack to encourage use of alternate route

-Adjusted some clipping
koth_cali A7 Update:


- Added new experimental route that'll almost certainly need adjusting

- Adjusted health and ammo pickups


- Adjusted center geometry to hopefully further counter sightlines

- Slightly adjusted one of the entranceways to the point

- Added clipping/roofing above center building to prevent being able to shoot over it

- Added clipping to palm trees

- Adjusted health/ammo sizes and locations
koth_cali A5 Update


- Adjusted capture rates

- Adjusted doors and point geometry to counter sightlines

- Extended palm tree planter to counter major sightline

- Added crates and slightly adjusted geometry of flank route to counter sightlines

- Widened doorway on interior route

- Adjusted clipping and removed some no_build around the point

- Added small ammopack along outermost route
koth_cali A4 Update


- Added additional ammo pack to encourage use of flanks.

- Adjusted sizes of existing ammo packs

- Lowered a ledge to allow for easier crouch-jumping

- Slightly adjusted central point to address a particular sightline

- Adjusted respawn times
koth_cali A3 Update


- Rebuilt major chokepoint region outside of spawn

- Added new route near spawn

- Added additional health/ammo packs

- Added signage

- Adjusted clipping and no-build regions

- Adjusted respawn times
koth_cali A2B Update


- Fixed a recently discovered leak