Bomb Factory (early test version)

Bomb Factory (early test version) a3

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Bomb Factory (early test version) a3

The teams fight for control of the payload factory, so that they can blow each other up more.

A small KOTH map, set in an industrial area. It's pretty normal other than the payloads falling into bottomless pits, and the chimneys that can launch you out of spawn. This is my first map after a two year hiatus from map-making, so I may have forgot a few things. I'm just uploading this for map testing.
The M
First release
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King of the Hill

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    Koth, but with a crit powerup in a dangerous pit.

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  1. beter

    its still shit probably, but... - now slightly less flat (big hill) - now addesd more stuff (so closer quarters) - removed useless space - carts now dispense + cant stand on them so cant get stuck (i couldnt fix the clipping issue, it happened...
  2. shit had a period in the title

    shit had a period in the title
  3. Slightly Newer Version

    now more things before map test