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Backstage (Stage 2) a6b

  • Fixed piece of interior roof in route to B being visible outside.
  • Fixed overlay not being assigned to brushes.
  • Added signage on B bridge.
  • Changed train engine model.
  • Rebuilt A, point is now centered above the train.
  • New one-way door at B that is enabled when A is capped.
  • Adjusted B, should be more clearer where and when the train stops, and the sides of the track have been raised so getting on the train is easier.
  • Reduced respawn times for RED, and BLU gets a higher respawn time for B.
  • More health.
  • Fixed some sightlines.
  • More signage.
  • Added spectator cameras.
  • Fixed one-way door at A not opening correctly when the point is captured.
  • Fixed one-way doors not opening properly when A is capped.
  • Major optimisation improvements, far less of the map now renders at a time.
  • Fixed a misaligned texture.
  • Fixed a staircase not being clipped.
  • Fixed B train bridge crossing lights not being fully hidden on a new round.
  • Rebuilt B. Should give BLU Less highground and help with sightlines, while making it more defendable by RED.
  • Changed the forward spawn's at B, no longer in the same room.
  • More ammo/health at A.
  • Significantly reduced respawn time for RED.
  • Increased cap time for all points.
  • Removed music.
  • Fixed clipping issues.
  • Fixed func_respawnroomvisualizer for RED's second spawn being visible when it shouldn't.
  • Changed door texture in RED's first spawn to prevent confusion.
  • Opened up a C route and (tried) to eliminate some sightlines.
  • Complete remake from scratch. is now linear 3CP A/D. As such, this map is effectively an A1.
  • Hopefully fixed a game_text_tf being completely different somehow
  • Added ammo pack.
  • Clipping adjustment to new tower at C.
  • New side-route to B.
  • New high-ground route to C for BLU.
  • If C is not captured in time, for 30 seconds:
    • BLU and RED get longer and shorter respawn times respectively.
    • Time pauses.
    • A and B are locked.
This should make it much easier for RED to take back ground, while that new C route should make it easier for BLU to cap C in the first place.
  • Raised all pickups by 16 units to prevent griefing by placing a teleporter on them.
  • Changed windows at B to make it more obvious at a glance you can't go through them.
  • Added 1 medium ammo to C.
  • Fixed the crane not raising properly.
  • Increased volume of timer music.
  • Added netting to the scaffolding to turn it into proper cover along with some blockbullets.
  • Adjusted respawn times, and BLU and RED are now given longer and shorter respawn times respectively for 30 seconds if C is not capped.
  • Capping A or B adds 30 seconds to the clock.
  • Added spectator cameras.