Attack/Defend Promann

Attack/Defend Promann cp_promann_a5b

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Attack/Defend Promann cp_promann_a5b

My first attempt of a Attack/Defend map!

My first attack/defend map please give feedback so I can learn and make the map better.

Inspired by: Dustbowl

Arch Fortress
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

Latest updates

  1. cp_promann Alpha Vb (Codename: Victoria Beer)

    --Control point 1 -Fixed FD door -Fixed Above ground door to fully open correctley --BLU SPAWN -Fixed Small Blu doors
  2. cp_promann Alpha V

    --BLU SPAWN -Added a covered exit below Top exit. -Fixed Respawn room triggers. --BLU Courtyard -Layout changed to accommodate the covered exit. --Control point 1 -Flank door is now Omnidirectional and changes to current owner of the Control...
  3. cp_promann Alpha IV

    Hey guys Arch Fortress here with a update to cp_promann I've listened to your guy's feedback of the Alpha III play-test so here is the change log! --BLU Spawn -One directional glass in BLU spawn so RED can't see inside reducing spawn camping...