
Ersatz a54_2

Lighting changes
and more for only $3.99
Logic update that should hopefully fix the client crash?
I forgot the changes
You can no longer stand behind the console for sniper cover at B
Fixed missing sign in red spawn
Added some clippings near B
Minor details around B and C
Fixed D
Added stairs to C point red side
Fixed displacement
Blue's A spawn exit improved
C visibility improvement
New entrance to C
C-D stairs are now permanent
Adjusted light in C
Changed some textures
Reworked C
Added basic lighting and textures to A and B for area recognition
Moved the rocket upward
New entrance to C
Smaller C
Rocket on D that prevents op sentry wrangle spot from seeing more than the point
Added a balcony after C capture at D
misc fixes
Added custom handrails to the final point that comes with 4 skins. Might release soon. lmk
Added glass to one of the windows. Only half, just enough to block stupid sightline from blue's entrance to red spawn.
Red can now use the B spawn exit from the start of the game. Experimental change.