
PL Viper B2


L2: Junior Member
Jan 22, 2019
scrly updated Viper with a new update entry:


  1. Tried making A and B a little more roomy
  2. got rid of the green lights, i agree they got obnoxious after a while
  3. also made the goo texture itself not an UnlitGeneric, think it looks better slightly
  4. made red instantly respawn after 2nd is capped
  5. red has a slightly more straightforward way getting to C now
  6. Opened up the window in the upper room a little on last
  7. added the directional arrows for red, was an oversight
  8. Added a spiral type thing on the pillar at last...

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 22, 2019
scrly updated Viper with a new update entry:


clipped some stuff
buffed 3rd with full packs
made a new connector so there isn't only 1 route to the last lobby area
fixed some fences not being solid
made the goo less saturated
added some green lights, not as bright as a1 and only to highlight the goo a little more and not get in the way of the map
tried making ambient lighting a little brighter
other small changes

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 22, 2019
scrly updated Viper with a new update entry:


added patches under packs, was an oversight cause I have them disabled
added a full ammo kit in the B flank house
removed the ramp onto the red crate on A cause a sniper had a pretty strong angle into the flank house there
got rid of a headglitch sightline that sees into BLU first spawn
other minor changes

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 22, 2019
scrly updated Viper with a new update entry:


removed a sightline on A
made ceiling of A tracks more spacious
got rid of dropdown in flank house on A, its pretty much useless and only got in the way
got rid of catwalk hole for B defenders
moved jump pad and made it not throw you as high
put up arrow signs to show you can jump over a sightline blocker on B
moved the jump pad pit packs back so instead BLU can use them
tried to highlight the flank on B more, watching the demo I saw that BLU kept just walking into meatgrinder room

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