
PL pl_divulgence b4b

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Entitled Elitist
Apr 27, 2015
If this map were to get significant league play and there were some requested changes, would you want to update it or are you done-done with the map? Just curious because I really love this map and really want it to get played more
I tried HL testing, but no one was really interested. I'm open to comp changes, but league ready is a long and tiresome road that's otherwise not worth the trip with divulgence. Testing/feedback felt like a subjective discussion rather than a group pinpointing objective problems. For instance, the gap between 2nd and 3rd is widely regarded as "Deadspace". This was turned into the grey point on the map, holding it isn't crucial but can still be done. The cart track between 2nd and 3rd initially was long to serve my purpose of allowing red to have a good reset for 3rd if they wipe on 2nd. Allowing a stronghold on the 2.5 points if defenders fall back on time. People thought that it was space reserved for boring "cart bitch" gameplay, and the discussion was about removing it rather than fixing the in-between. There was literally no consensus and I really didn't want to bother finding one, so I just created the weird cart gimmick and moved on. Later It was apparent that no one was interested in the map, so I cut my losses and just finished the map in its current state, so as not to leave any loose ends hanging about.

That paragraph was a cluttered tangent sorry. Basically to get 18 people together on a regular basis, to give critical feedback and invest themselves into a single map is too much of an ask, and when it happens most of the feedback is "This is dog water lol" or "maps irrelevant why are we even wasting time playing it". However, good feedback has been integrated, and I will continue to have an open mind relating to HL feedback.

Another tangent (God I can't help myself)
The truth is I want the map to work for HL, but it's more of a .. "God why can't this map just work for HL"? I feel it has the backbone to get there, primary routing is safe for retreating, the first point gimmick is neat, 2nd point is interesting, 3rd point needs work, and the last point can potentially be better Borneo IN MY OPINION. It's just a colossal time sink to work for players who, from my experience, take mappers for granted. There's a lot of time and effort that goes into a map. Making a map for competitive is taking the risk of appeasing the 1% of snobby players. Contrast this to the enjoyment gained by making a map for pubs: I have the possibility to reach large audiences and it's less stressful. Making a map for highlander sounds idiotic when boiled down this way, which it sadly is. Nonetheless, I am open to highlander changes. For me, anything anyone suggests will always be considered at face value. No matter their relation to me or beliefs. As long as the change is an agreeable improvement idontcarewhereitcamefrom.

TLDR: Yes! I'd love to continue making changes to the map, the iterative process is riveting. However, I am human, and losing any more sleep over HL is not on my bucket list.


Entitled Elitist
Apr 27, 2015
PigPig updated pl_divulgence with a new update entry:

Beta 2 Patch 1

~Fixed a bug where red players could open blues spawn pushing last
~Adjusted cubemaps on first
~Replaced previously "awkward" names for each control point
~Fixed roof popping in and out of view through the skylights on last
~Intermediate control point between 2nd and 3rd now lowers blues respawn time by 2 seconds ( This is to accommodate rollout times and strengthen engineer. I'll keep a very close eye on how this affects the gameplay.)
~Added more context clues to the far spawn door being...

Read the rest of this update entry...


Entitled Elitist
Apr 27, 2015
PigPig updated pl_divulgence with a new update entry:

Beta 2 Patch 2

~Fixed Z-fighting issue in blue's 2nd spawn
~Adjusted all spawn times for blue across the map. (Roughly 8-12 second spawn times for blue now. Previously spawn times were adjusted to give blue advantage pushing hard-held areas, this was overbearing.)
~Fixed the bug where blue can theoretically infinitely extend the map time

Author notes:
Spawn times are a massive difference between this version and the last. I expect more balanced games. I didn't elongate blues spawn times on the 1st point...

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Entitled Elitist
Apr 27, 2015
PigPig updated pl_divulgence with a new update entry:

Beta 3

Downscaled some spaces on 1st
Downscaled far door entering into 2nd
Downscaled the route to the high ground on 2nd (made it hopefully more defender sided)
Cut far flank on the '2.5' point
Downscaled platform flank platform on 3rd
Adjusted pickups on 3rd

I will keep an eye on this version, and expect further changes on 2nd and 3rd.
Looking into downscaling more areas, I will downscale as I find fit, improving as I find fit.

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Entitled Elitist
Apr 27, 2015
PigPig updated pl_divulgence with a new update entry:

Beta 4

Please alert me of any bugs or clipping errors! A huge portion of geometry has shifted!!

Closed in the 2nd point by 128 units, cut a lot of fat
Adjusted high-ground cover on 2nd
Removed 256 units of deadspace on first
Lowered blue respawn by 2 seconds on first
Added a force respawn for red after 2.5 is capped
Misc detail changes for collision continuity

Refactoring really. Scaling the map to tf2s...

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L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
Heyo. I just wanted to let you know that the folks at the LazyPurple servers really do like this map, and we've had a blast playing on it throughout its versions. I know that won't make you feel too much better judging by your post, but I did want to say that this map absolutely means a lot to me and a bunch of other people, and your work doesn't go unappreciated. Thank you for making Divulgence!


L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2015
People quite like the map on OPS, and thanks for the shoutout!
I went over the map and there is nothing sticking out clipping wise but we will let you know after playing this version.
PS. Thats a very sneaky build location in blue spawn you made.
Last edited:


Entitled Elitist
Apr 27, 2015
PigPig updated pl_divulgence with a new update entry:

Beta 4 Patch 1

Fixed players being able to stand on a weird clip near first
Replaced the 2.5 point with a turn table
Changed floor textures on last
Switched out mountains in the skybox
Added a jank failsafe to allow red to block the first capture:
> It disables the capture point when a red player enters a trigger near the point
> These players cant be spies or bonk scouts
>No fucking clue how this came up as a problem, I guess valve broke something? I don't remember touching this logic since the b3. Any...

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L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
We play your map quite often on our server too, players like it :)
And (un)fortunately we were able to reproduce the bug with blocked captured point (v b4a) :c


Entitled Elitist
Apr 27, 2015
PigPig updated pl_divulgence with a new update entry:

Beta 4 Patch 2

Removed logic regarding capture blocking: This fixes bugs related to capture blocking. Should work as intended now.
Long story: TLDR it was unrequited due to changes made out of order from one-another relating to the neutral control point

Added door in blue first spawn that opens once A is capped
Made spectate cameras better follow the action
Fixed a sticky-out bit near the turntable
Fixed high up clipping on last
Packed particles (Oops.)

Read the rest of this update entry...


L2: Junior Member
Feb 20, 2016
hello i just finished my etf2l game on divulgence, please add an alarm to the last point cap when it reaches close. we got silent capped twice without realising the enemy team was closing in. the combination of no rollback and no alarm is really annoying


Entitled Elitist
Apr 27, 2015
hello i just finished my etf2l game on divulgence, please add an alarm to the last point cap when it reaches close. we got silent capped twice without realising the enemy team was closing in. the combination of no rollback and no alarm is really annoying
Will be in the next version.