
PL pl_boatload _b3


the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Tiftid submitted a new resource:

pl_boatload - Have a boatload of fun in the early morning!

I liked koth_tiftidwater, so I extended the concept into an entire payload map.

It also features subtle other gimmicks, like BLU only getting their forward spawns if they can manage to clear RED out of a point area after capturing the point, and BLU getting less time from capturing a control point if they do it too quickly.

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Tiftid updated pl_boatload with a new update entry:

A1A - This map is not going places

-Brightened some dark underwater spots

-BLU now gets their forward spawn 30 seconds after capping a point instead of whatever tomfoolery was going on before

-Fixed a number of bugs in each team's respawn room

-RED's second respawn room now has a third exit
-This exit was probably a mistake because it's right over a place where BLU used to like to stand when attacking D's backward hold
-But if the players want it it must be right, right?

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016


the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016


the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Tiftid updated pl_boatload with a new update entry:

A1D - The Update with the Weirdly Effortful Patch Notes (W.E.P.N for short)

Plans for A2:
-Adjust some of the routes around B, C and D to be land-exclusive
-Improve the water texture

-Attempt to improve B's backward hold (which this update aims to create in the first place) by making it tie in more with the iconic structure B was in before, which is fun to fight in and around
-Improve RED's routing to B from spawn in response to B's new position, without changing the time it takes them to reach A or the B forward hold...

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Tiftid updated pl_boatload with a new update entry:

A2 - These relatively simple changes took me several soul-crushing days to make :(

-Rebuilt the B area to focus more on the point's new position

-Moved C further back to create more distinction between the forward and backward hold
-C has now been infested with pipes
-Improved RED's defensive positions around C - the backward hold is now very similar to A's

-Attempted to make the backward hold of both B and C involve dry land more

-Gave RED more ability to move around on D's backward hold

-Added a refinery in the 3D skybox near C

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Tiftid updated pl_boatload with a new update entry:

A2A - Stop fucking stacking heavies on the cart and then saying the map rolls too easily

-The payload dispenser no longer gives ammo
-The payload dispenser now heals at a much slower rate (2 HP/s)
-BLU has had it too good for too long and needs to stop fucking stacking heavies on the cart

-Made some last, desperate changes to D before I scrap it and make a new D point
-These are mostly aimed at nerfing RED's obscenely powerful forward hold and generally making the point less confusing

-BLU's final spawn has been upgraded, receiving a new land-bound spawn exit that engineers...

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Tiftid updated pl_boatload with a new update entry:

A2B - You didn't stop fucking stacking heavies on the cart

-Reverted the changes made to the cart's healing and ammo resupply because clearly they didn't do anything
-Buffed RED's access to health and ammo throughout the map to compensate for this

-Moved C even further back, because RED players kept doing things they thought should be good for backward holding the point, only for C to get capped before they could unleash their godlike strategy

-RED's balcony on B has been given a door to the alternate courtyard
-Before, RED couldn't really...

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016


the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Tiftid updated pl_boatload with a new update entry:

A3 - I watched Madoka Magica so I turned D into a construction site

-Completely redesigned the D point to act more like Borneo D and hopefully be less awful to fight in

-Moved B further back so RED's powerful highground sentry spots are less counterable just by using the cart as cover

-Tried to make several of the underwater areas more interesting to play in, particularly around C

-Fixed an issue where players could become trapped at the front of the payload cart, unable to move or even look around

-Made the water more see-through from underneath

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Tiftid updated pl_boatload with a new update entry:

A3B - Tweaking the Numbers (and a couple of layout changes)

-RED now has an 8 second respawn wave time to defend D (was 10)
-Halved the speed of the cart as it approaches the final path_track
-Blocked off a path at D that allowed BLU to flow into RED's strongest defensive position way too easily
-Added more cover around the lower parts of D to allow BLU to outplay sentries placed at this strongest defensive position

-There's now an actual flank between the B backward hold and C lobby area
-It's a little unintuitive as it requires you to go through...

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Tiftid updated pl_boatload with a new update entry:

B1 - This will blow cp_bruhstbowl out of the water

-Preliminary artpass over the entire map
-There's still a LOT of work for me to do
-But most of the big sweeping details have been placed so this version will act as a good framerate benchmark

-Zeroed in on optimisation to ensure that areas are sectioned off from each other, reducing the amount players have to render at any given time

-Small gameplay changes have arisen as a result of the artpass
-Small clipping bugs will also no doubt be present, and maybe even some large ones


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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Tiftid updated pl_boatload with a new update entry:

B2 - Why must we fight, John Quake?

Fun fact: There's a limit of 8192 brushes you can have in a map, and pl_boatload_b2 is just 12 brushes under that limit.
The map also has 512 overlays, with the limit being 512, and it has around 41 MB of lighting information, with the limit being around 41.5.

-Replaced the payload's metal raft with a first-draft boat prop (collision outline remains identical)
-Fixed player collision with the payload so that it will no longer teleport you to arbitrary positions and reset your view angle...

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Tiftid updated pl_boatload with a new update entry:

B2A -

-The map is now just 3 brushes under the limit of 8192
-Comment what you want me to make with the final three brushes

-Fixed a rendering issue around C related to an areaportal crossing the waterline
-Finally fixed the issue where the HUD did not properly represent B's position

-Updated the finale so that the magnet now comes down to the cart instead of the cart coming up to it
-The RED cart will now also disappear

-Added some extra displacements
-Shamelessly covered up a small...

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L5: Dapper Member
Jan 12, 2016

I have a strong opinion about this map, sorry if I say some bs.

First, I think the water-focused aspect of this map doesn't work with Team Fortress 2. The lag compensation doesn't work well with water, so high ping players usually have a bad time... it was my case when I played this map on the UE server (I'm from Brazil... sorry about that). This isn't very relevant, so you can ignore it.

For the TF2 aspect of things:

Soldiers and demoman's are ineffective because is hard to do reliably damage when the enemy is on the water.
Spies are a annoyance when you can backstab people's feet.
Pyro sharks are too powerful... of course
And the fast heavies deal a lot of damage and are difficult to counter. I understand you've added a speed boost when touching water so it's not a pain to navigate, but you have to reconsider every other aspect of the game so it doesn't get unbalanced.

For the map itself:

I think there's too much detail and a lot of things are underscaled. Some hallways are too tight, combined with too many details that make it difficult to see what's going on AND navigate because no clipping. All this PLUS low FPS because of poor/no optimization. At the end of the playtest I was a bit dizzy, which is really not common for me.

You don't have to add detail to every wall, you can often use simple art and it will look better and play better (less noise). Don't clamp everything with random stuff just to fill the space, it'll be hard to navigate aswell. You can always use lighting to make empty spaces more interesting, especially high demand areas where a lot of fights take place.

I recommend going back to the sketch board and rethinking a lot of things about water-focused gameplay. Of course, you can prove me wrong, but with the current state of the map (in my opinion), it will be more painful for you than for me.

Good luck.


the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Tiftid updated pl_boatload with a new update entry:

B2B - Workshop Parity

This version contains all the upgrades the Steam Workshop release of B2A had compared to the release, including:
-A fix to an issue where the crane rope at D would consider its endpoint to be 0 0 0
-Two map-escape areas and one minor exploit being clipped off

Additionally, new to B2B:
-Two dev textures have been removed
-Some egregiously bad detail choices have been substituted, which also let me save on a few brushes
-You can now see the oil refinery near B from BLU's first spawn

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Planning to do this to the underwater regions for B3, what do you guys reckon?
