Custom HUD icons

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
What I originally wanted was my own set of "Wheel of Fate" like icons to appear on your HUD under certain triggers. However, browsing past threads on this forum (My attention mostly to this one) I now realise that this is maybe impossible.

I believe the closest I can probably get to my desired result is the use of game_text_tf which I am somewhat reluctant to use even though I do find those background panels neat and tidy. However I'm aware game_text_tf does not show up on the minimal HUD (nor during pre-battle warm-up). However I like that you can have more than four (without concern for the limit of "text channels") I also want to know if putting !activator in Audience would have the message show up to specific players instead of the whole team? If not well I'm sure there is away round it.

What I would like to know is, is it possible to replace the icons with ones that I have made?
So far I'm trying to do so the same way I've replaced sounds on my map. I made a "koth_map_level_textures.txt" to attempt to replace the icons "item_healthkit" and "item_ammopack" (Or should I rename it "koth_map_level_mod_texture.txt"?) and intend to replace add/replace a few more. I'm not attempting to actually get into GCFScape and replace TF2s default files, I figure if you can make soundscripts for specific maps to replace usual sounds, why not same way for textures and images?

Or, if there is a will or a way, would you reccomend me an alternate way on how to get custom icons to appear on HUD after triggers?

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
It's been two days and no one yet answered. Was I not suppose to make this thread here or did I do something wrong?

Da Spud Lord

Occasionally I make maps
Mar 23, 2017
No, this is the right place to post it. It's more likely that nobody knows the answer.

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
Oh, well OK. If I make any discoveries I will post them here. If not I'll see if I can find an alternate sollution to what I want.

So far I worked out, or at least figured that you can't replace textures the same way you can replace sound, which I find a very peculiar thing. Either that or HUD graphics and map graphics are seperate.

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
Quick question, does point_clientcommand with r_screenoverlay work? Either I'm setting it up wrong or it just doesn't.

Eitherway I'm running out of possibilities on how to get my own HUD icons to appear.


L2: Junior Member
Feb 22, 2013
Quick question, does point_clientcommand with r_screenoverlay work? Either I'm setting it up wrong or it just doesn't.

Eitherway I'm running out of possibilities on how to get my own HUD icons to appear.

No it doesn't, r_screenoverlay is flagged as a cheat command.
You're out of luck, there's little to no options to change or add new HUD elements with the tools you have as a mapper.
It's sad but that's the reality of things and it's most likely not going to change.

Mystic Monkey

L5: Dapper Member
Jan 24, 2011
Well damn.
I mean, I'm used to compromising but I figure Hammer was flexible for that kinda thing.
Outside of modding that is, thats new territory I'm not ready for.

But thanks for telling me. I'll try and compromise.
Mar 23, 2013
I also want to know if putting !activator in Audience would have the message show up to specific players instead of the whole team

If you want to make a game_text display only to a certain player, the player would have to trigger the display command. Game_text has an all-players flag. Uncheck it.
Now if a player walks into a trigger, that sends a display input to the game_text, the text will only be visible to the player. Hope it helps a bit.


Feb 14, 2010
Another option you have might be to use either the PD gamemode or the halloween minigame entities and replace existing hud elements from those modes with your own in a custom .res file.

For information how to do it with the PD gamemode go here:
You would then need to disable the drops from players by targeting the logic entity and hitting it with a 'SetPointsOnPlayerDeath 0'.
And using the custom hud .res file you can hide all the other hud elements (like the score bars) that you don't want cluttering up the screen.

You can see the halloween minigame entities have the same hud .res file keyvalue slots (I haven't actually tested tbch, but i assume it will work):

Also yea, while game_text_tf doesn't show up on minimum huds, game_text will show up on minimum huds. (but not in demo recordings)