
KotH Koth_depot rc1


L1: Registered
Nov 22, 2015
Change log:
+ made multiple exits to prevent snipers and soldiers from gaining advantages
+ made the bases smaller.
-Deleted a few props to add space
+fixed that little crack seen in the wall by the bridge
+made map a little less dark
+fixed certain geometry problems
+Fixed exploits allowing players to go outside the map

Next update will contain some changes with the background of the map.

Read the rest of this update entry...


MUSty Complainer
Nov 2, 2009
You can't have map filenames with capital letters in them. Needs to be lowercase. Had to remove it from an impromptu map test tonight because of this.

We also can't simply rename the file because this messes with the internal file directory of the .bsp file. You have to rename it yourself.

EDIT 26/11/15: Yet again, had to remove it from the list because of the aforementioned issue.
Last edited:


Certified in best in fun
Dec 12, 2012

Your spawnroom is way too big, has only one exit that is really huge. That means when the door opens everyone in the spawnroom becomes an easy target, and the spawn will be easily camped. My suggestion is that you remove the door and and replace it with 2 doors on either side so people won't get spawncamped.

Stepping out from the spawnroom leads me here, where the point is really close to the spawn. As well as doors through each side can be seen through. The problem is that there is almost no distance between the point and the spawnroom, which means teams are going to be fighting in a really compact space and theres no buffer area. This makes combat really intense and more of a grind which isn't fun. From here, I can see from my own base right into the enemy's base. This means as a Sniper, I can shoot anyone between these areas and it would be really easy for me to do so. It would be hard to escape the Sniper's lines of sight and make combat extremely unfun and annoying to deal with. As a suggestion, you should try to add more distance between the spawn rooms and the point, add cover around the doors so Snipers can't peek into the enemy's base.

Overall: Your map is really flat, small, and the layout needs a lot of work. The way you map seems to me as you make a room out of skybox and fill it with stuff and rooms. I would highly suggest you do your skyboxes last, and rather focus on your layout and geometry first. Don't be afraid to draw out layouts, and then show it to us so we can give feedback. There are a million things I could give feedback about, however I don't feel it is worth it for the fact your main issue is the layout. If you want my advice, go look at other koth maps (koth_viaduct is a famous example) to see what kinds of layouts best fit for gameplay in tf2. You have talent as I'm sure of, but you can always try a little harder to make a map you can truly be proud of.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
To elaborate on what Auwi was saying. Normally, these types of maps follow a certain structure. Spawn > Yard > Buffer > yard > Point and then mirror. Right now, you're just Spawn > Point. So, if you hold the point, you hold the only spawn exit for the players, which makes it VERY hard to fight back. Viaduct is a perfect example this type of structure. I would expand on your map, give your players more room to build, and mount a forward 'front' of sorts so that they can attack the next yard, or point.


L1: Registered
Nov 22, 2015
The problem is that since the map is wayyyyy in development now I can't really put all that stuff like the yard and buffer in..... HOWEVER... I can put some thing in between each point and the map like you said! It may not be the best but I can figure it out.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
The problem is that since the map is wayyyyy in development now I can't really put all that stuff like the yard and buffer in..... HOWEVER... I can put some thing in between each point and the map like you said! It may not be the best but I can figure it out.
You'll need to put in a fair bit of work to do the yard and buufer like viaduct. I would strongly suggest you take your time with it. These things shouldn't be done quickly for the sake of getting out quickly.


L5: Dapper Member
Jan 21, 2015
The problem is that since the map is wayyyyy in development now I can't really put all that stuff like the yard and buffer in..... HOWEVER... I can put some thing in between each point and the map like you said! It may not be the best but I can figure it out.
It's in alpha. Having to completely rebuild your map in alpha is not uncommon


Distinction in Applied Carving
Feb 22, 2014
The problem is that since the map is wayyyyy in development now I can't really put all that stuff like the yard and buffer in..... HOWEVER... I can put some thing in between each point and the map like you said! It may not be the best but I can figure it out.

This is exactly why we test maps and get feedback throughout a map's development process, and not just after it's finished. It's much easier to make changes to a layout before you get too far with detailing. You may not want to add yards and buffers at this point, but you definitely can - it'll just be a lot harder since you've allowed a flawed layout to last this long.

If it's any consolation, many maps go through massive layout changes early in their development and end up looking completely different from the original version. Good maps come from mappers who are flexible and willing to give up their original ideas when testing reveals that they don't work.


L1: Registered
Nov 22, 2015
I think I got a plan for the buffer...
I will split the base in two... The first part being the buffer, and a hallway will lead to the base currently on the map... I cannot really explain it, but I will when I show you a6.


Oct 25, 2014
I beg that you take a good week to look at your map, other maps and plenty of tutorials before releasing another version. As this is your first map I understand you are learning everything, and you want to keep experimenting and getting feedback. But trust me the payoff of taking time, learning to do everything right and releasing a truly fantastic map is worth it.

Take a little time to make test maps just for yourself, download decompiled valve maps and see how they've done things, fiddle with hammer! Make stairs, roofs, doors and other simple things that maps need so when you are mapping you can instinctively create what you imagine. Let your enthusiasm guide you to making great maps and don't get caught up in releasing new versions just because! I once spent 2 months working on an update for my map because each time I opened hammer I knew I could improve it somehow. Mapping is a fantastic hobby and the community here is warm and alive, so if you feel as though this is a hobby for you then please push yourself to improve. Take your time, learn the trade and enjoy mapping.


L1: Registered
Nov 22, 2015
Thx man... I do actually have some decompiled maps in my hammer folder and I will check them out...


L1: Registered
Nov 22, 2015
+Added some new rooms that hopefully change gameplay
+Fixed some issues with players being able to exploit past the player clip and build sentries to troll people with (sorry delfy D: )
+New spawn rooms!

Keep sending feed back so I can change more!

Read the rest of this update entry...


L2: Junior Member
Aug 5, 2014
why in the world is this map in release candidate if you're adding rooms in an attempt to change how the map works?


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
How are you in rc1 when your last version was still an alpha?


L5: Dapper Member
Oct 12, 2015
I still think you should just... Start all over.

You know,get fresh,start with something small,with dev textures,get it tested,keep getting better,yadiyada. Not just get directly from alpha to release candidate.

For example, KotH - Hangar is a really hyped-ish map. It has been tested,loved and the author has been working SO hard on it even other people are helping him with the models,for example.

THAT map is STILL in beta,and it has been around for 5 months. Your map has been here LESS than a month,with tons of errors,flat surfaces,empty/big ass rooms,and well... nothing interesting at all.

I think I might be the first to say it,I might not? But I feel bad to say it.

Long story short,you map SUCKS.

If nobody did,it had to be said. You have potential,seriously. But I think you're basically RUSHING to "finish" your map and get it played and all that stuff.

I've been working on a PL map (MY first map) for 2 months,and I STILL haven't finished the second cap point (AKA it's not even in ALPHA). I just want to make a decent map that has the least amount of bugs,game changes and such. And I'm just putting all my heart to it.

Like I said: you have potential. Just,start over,maybe another KotH since they're the easiest. Or a 3CP,or 5CP,or an Attack/Defend. Just use your imagination,take all the time in the world...

And put all your heart into it. If you decide to start all over again and make a new map,I'll be glad to test it,give some feedback and try to help you on anything.

Hopefully this "little" reply won't make you mad,or sad. I'm sorry if it actually did.