VIP (VScript Gamemode)

VIP (VScript Gamemode) v6b

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VIP (VScript Gamemode) v6b

Vscript Implemented Project


This is the dev package for making maps for VIP VScript starring the Mobster.

Showcase maps: Breakout, Chutes

VIP Mechanics:
  • To become the VIP you pick up a cane at your spawn.
    • While reminiscent of the flags from Crasher and Carrier, the cane is technically NOT a flag.
  • //todo
VIP Map Design
  • //todo

  1. When updating, please delete the existing tf/custom/vip_v* folder.
  2. Throw the vip_v6 folder into your tf/custom/.
  3. Configure your map like a normal A/D map.
  4. Make sure your CompilePal has "Pack" and "Repack" processes.
    Your Pack process should have -includedir for your tf/custom/vip_v6 folder as seen below:

  5. Create a logic_script entity with Entity Script set to vip/vip.nut as seen below. You'll also need to name it for future outputs.
  6. To set the cane spawn location, you need to make an output to logic_script that specifies the name of an entity (e.g. info_target) the cane will spawn at. In the example below the chosen name is vip_cane_1, but it can be any name of any existing entity. Note: the symbol used is ` and not '
  7. To move the cane to a forward spawn or the next stage, fire the output above with the new entity as a target.
Credit is required. Permission to modify required.
First release
Last update

Resource team

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Latest updates

  1. Tommygun ammo fix

    Fixed vip's tommygun not having fully reserve ammo.
  2. v6b

    Fixed VIP not getting spawned after Scramble (hopefully this time for real). Fixed the Money Bag sometimes being unavailable even when fully charged. Slightly reduced the Tommy Gun damage.
  3. v6a

    Reverted the Mobster's HP back from 600/700 to 500/550. Money Bag Rework: it now gives 15% dmg resistance, 15% dmg boost and 15% hp/sec. - Since it's no longer Banner buffs, you're now again subject to damage fall-off, incoming crits and...