GunGame (VScript Gamemode)

GunGame (VScript Gamemode) v12

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GunGame (VScript Gamemode) v12

The game of the Gun!

This is the dev package for making maps for GunGame VScript starring the Mercenary.
It's an early iteration of the gamemode, but should be ready for making maps for it.
GunGame is created in collaboration with the Open Fortress team, and as such partial credit goes to them.
We also plan to also release DeathMatch VScript (more closely resembling OF's DM) dev package by the end of February (hopefully).
Showcase map: Marine

  • While there's no devpackage for DM-VScript yet, we recommend to create maps with both DM and GunGame in mind simultaneously. A map made for DM first will likely translate to GunGame well.
  • Casual matches have to be played with 24 players, and most Open Fortress maps are too small for that player count.
  • Open Fortress is shipped with a lot of custom asset packs not included with Stock TF2. Use them at your own discretion. For this reason I recommend using a hammer config for Live TF2 rather than OF.
  1. When updating, please delete the existing tf/custom/gungame_v* folder
  2. Throw the gungame_v9 folder into your tf/custom/.
  3. Make 32 spawns for red RED and 16 for BLU "teams". While GunGame is not team-based, you need team-assigned spawns for technical reasons. Sometimes the gamemode is tested with everyone being on RED, hence, 32 spawns for RED are needed.
  4. Rename maps/yourmap_level_sounds.txt file to match your bsp name exactly. For example, if your map is gungame_badwater_a5.bsp, then the file would be called maps/gungame_badwater_a5_level_sounds.txt
  5. Make sure your CompilePal has "Pack" and "Repack" processes.
    Your Pack process should have -includedir for your tf/custom/gungame_a8 folder as seen below:

  6. Create a logic_script entity with Entity Script set to gungame/gungame.nut as seen below:
  7. Optionally, if you want music to be played, then create a info_particle_system entity with the following parameters (ignore the fact that they're colored red). Music doesn't loop, just make it last for 6 minutes and USE MP3 There's a better method - will describe it tomorrow.
Credit is required. Permission to modify required.
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. v12

    When updating, please delete the previous tf/custom/gungame_v* folder and update the _level_sounds.txt file. Tying everything up. Namely, models, broken animations, random leftovers etc.
  2. v11a

    Fixed the client crash related to null-players on the scoreboard
  3. v11

    Fixed the enormous server lag. Added the header panel for your and the leader's scores. Reverted bhop to mostly how it used to be (but kept the hud indicator). Ragdolls are now colored after their player. Code clean-up.