Entity Is leaking

owner of spycrab force

L1: Registered
Jan 19, 2024
When I try to compile my map it says that a entity is leaking but when I got to the coordinates where it says it is leaking but it is inside the map
And i have checked but the info_player_teamspawns don't seem to have a origin point and the other objects are as well but they are fully closed in
Can Someone help and find out and help me with this because they all seem to be leaking in a area.

I was making a arena type map using the main area from turbine


  • arena_turbine.vmf
    1,016.5 KB · Views: 17
You seem to have made a small metal floor into a func_detail.
func_detail cannot seal the map against leaks.

Here's the problem area:

If we hide the func_detail, we can clearly see the hole where the map leaks into the void:

To fix the problem, select this brush (on both RED's and BLU's side) and hit Ctrl-Shift-W to turn it back into a world brush:

Doing that makes the map compile just fine.
Hope this helps!


the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
You seem to have made a small metal floor into a func_detail.
func_detail cannot seal the map against leaks.

Here's the problem area:

If we hide the func_detail, we can clearly see the hole where the map leaks into the void:

To fix the problem, select this brush (on both RED's and BLU's side) and hit Ctrl-Shift-W to turn it back into a world brush:

Doing that makes the map compile just fine.
Hope this helps!

owner of spycrab force

L1: Registered
Jan 19, 2024
So I should do a dynamic skybox instead of a Plain box around it
But the map is a closed box so there won't be much enclosing I only proposed a small box around the map to stop the leaks because my map is only the main area of turbine but no extra areas.


L2: Junior Member
Dec 9, 2023
Well then I suppose a box is as tight as it can get, but the walls of the rooms should be able to seal it off fine, Just use skybox for windows or covering gaps made from func detail or other entity brushes, but the box wouldn’t be too bad either