central processing

central processing 13

mostly just small changes to improve the look of the map, and improvements to help improve balance.
the old spawns were too close to the point, so a new area for the spawn was added, along with new bigger spawn rooms. This includes adding new paths, and access to areas that were out of reach before.
moved a camera I had forgotten about to its new spot, and did a few other fixes like correcting slightly misaligned brushes.
made a few improvements and fixes
Last version broke spawn rooms, which now function properly again. The cat walks in the main point room have been expanded and the stairs have been shifted to fit with the new room layout. The side halls have also been changed.
The spawn front door was removed to limit access to spawn from the point.
Mostly fixes of small mistakes and a few cosmetic improvements.
T lot of the computer props were slightly misaligned, causing players to get caught on them. The new clip brushes should fix most of the issues with getting caught on them and make moving around them easier.

There are also some new detail props and map geometry to make the map a bit prettier.
Added a new catwalk to block the sightline in the side halls. This'll make camping behind the one-way door as sniper less viable, and adds an additional elevation difference to the halls for more interesting fights. There are also a bunch of smaller changes like adding and removing certain detail props.
There was a leak that had slipped through caused by source spaghetti that's now fixed. There are also some background sounds now.