central processing

central processing 13

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central processing 13

A koth map themed around a computer lab

The map is built around the fight for the central processing room.

the surrounding rooms give space for fighting and flanking, and hold most of the health and ammo packs. There are also several exposed wires that act as damaging map hazards.
Toaster gaming
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

Latest updates

  1. another round of minor changes and fixes

    mostly just small changes to improve the look of the map, and improvements to help improve balance.
  2. major redesign of spawns.

    the old spawns were too close to the point, so a new area for the spawn was added, along with new bigger spawn rooms. This includes adding new paths, and access to areas that were out of reach before.
  3. more small fixes

    moved a camera I had forgotten about to its new spot, and did a few other fixes like correcting slightly misaligned brushes.