Software for rescaling map elements

[NGPU] Revetron

L1: Registered
Jul 29, 2018
Hi Everyone,

I have written a piece of software which is useful for rescaling map-elements with proportional dimensions. The program works by taking-in two vectors as its input, and then producing two equivalent orthonormal vectors (ones that are 1 unit in magnitude and at 90 degrees to each other). These can then be multiplied by any number to resize them, therefore allowing the map-maker to fully control the dimensions of the new object. To run the program, simply download the zip-file and extract the executable; it should ideally be run through Command Prompt. When prompted to type-in the vectors, type-in the elements vertically by pressing "Enter" after each value. For those who use Mac OS or Linux, I have included a copy of the C code for you to compile for your OS. Here is the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main() {

int size, i;
printf("\nHow many dimensions are you working in: ");
scanf("%i", &size);
double A[size], B[size], C[size], D[size], total1, total2, total3, GS_factor;
total1 = 0;
total2 = 0;
total3 = 0;
GS_factor = 0;

printf("\nInsert the first vector's values:\n");
for (i=1;i<=size;i++) {
scanf("%lf", &A[i-1]);

printf("\nInsert the second vector's values:\n");
for (i=1;i<=size;i++) {
scanf("%lf", &B[i-1]);

for (i=1;i<=size;i++) {
total1 = total1 + pow(A[i-1], 2);
total2 = total2 + pow(B[i-1], 2);

total1 = sqrt(total1);
total2 = sqrt(total2);
for (i=1;i<=size;i++) {
C[i-1] = A[i-1]/total1;

//Here is where the Gram-Schmidt process occurs
for (i=1;i<=size;i++) {
GS_factor = GS_factor + (B[i-1]*C[i-1]);

for (i=1;i<=size;i++) {
D[i-1] = B[i-1] - ((GS_factor)*C[i-1]);

for (i=1;i<=size;i++) {
total3 = total3 + pow(D[i-1], 2);

for (i=1;i<=size;i++) {
D[i-1] = D[i-1]/sqrt(total3);

printf("\nThese are the two orthonormal vectors:");
printf("\nVector 1: Vector 2:");
for (i=1;i<=size;i++) {
printf("\n|%lf| |%lf|", C[i-1], D[i-1]);

return 0;



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[NGPU] Revetron

L1: Registered
Jul 29, 2018
Well, it's primary use is for rescaling map props while retaining their dimension ratios. The post may contain some jargon, but it is not necessary that you understand it; I added it just to clarify what the program does in a very technical way.


May 12, 2013
You didn't understand what I'm asking. What do I actually DO with the vectors? How do I scale something in hammer along an arbitrary vector?

And what do you mean with props? TF2 does not allow for prop_static to be scaled at all. You can scale a prop_dynamic, but only uniformly in all directions (with rendering issues both in hammer and ingame).

[NGPU] Revetron

L1: Registered
Jul 29, 2018
When you obtain the two vectors after running the code, you take the one of the values from one the vectors (vector_value) and use the following formula, where desired_length_in_hU is the desired length of the object in hammer Units: (desired_length_in_hU/vector_value) = scale
You then multiply both vectors by the resulting "scale" value and you are done.

In all honesty, while I do not make TF2 maps regularly, my work heavily uses this type of maths and I though that it might be useful for mapping, since it is heavily used for other 3D graphics applications.