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RD rd_uplink c1


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
I love the new layout! It looks really good!


L2: Junior Member
Nov 29, 2014
-Totally reworked the L-shaped building between A and B into something that will hopefully allow defenders to push back a bit better when enemies overrun A (it was too easy for the attacking team to push into A and keep the defending team holed up behind the A-B choke)
-Worked on some optimisation

So, it's really late and I should be going to bed right now, I'm just putting this up so I can get the edits tested, can't provide screenshots or the usual video right now. I shall get around to it tomorrow!

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L2: Junior Member
Nov 29, 2014
-Fixed areaportal error in entrance to core room near RED spawn
-Added even more optimisation stuff
-Edited the A robot path slightly to make them spend more time around exposed side of the trucks, to allow attackers to get at them just that little bit easier
-Updated .nav file
-Fixed some overlays not displaying under health and ammo in core vault side room

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L2: Junior Member
Nov 29, 2014
Sooooo, while I've been silent on this here site (heck it's been so long), I've been on and off working on the decorating. This through a harddrive failure, too, which wiped away a couple of months of on-off work and took a while to get the motivation to keep going again. I hope to at some point soon get a beta version up+another little dev video out just showing the decorating work, though I've still got a bit I need to do before then and a few issues to iron out.

Long story short: this map isn't dead!


L2: Junior Member
Nov 29, 2014
WillWow_mc updated rd_uplink with a new update entry:

Version c1 (complete 1)

Well, finally, at long last. A definitively complete version of this map... been working on this for so long, and to finally get what I can call a complete version out the door feels rather strange. Here's hoping that nothing is broken!

Thanks to whoever had the idea for spring cleaning, as it finally gave me the motivation I sorely needed.

(Sorry for no screenshots right now, I have to rush off in a few minutes. Will probably get around to putting some up afterwards. Have this from the...

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