
PL pl_goldheistcanyon V17

Oct 6, 2008
pl_goldheistcanyon_final_ - Blue Team is tyring to steal red's gold - can red team stop them?

Been a long time since I did anything with this map. Could not find my old link anywhere.

It used to be 4 stages and is now 3.
Major work done all around.


Please feel free to comment :)
Oct 6, 2008
Ok there was a v5 but after another 32 player multi test I made some more changes based on the feedback - so here is V6

Stage 1
- added in more time for blue as they were having a hard time getting cart to top of trellis
- fixed missing stairs in red spawm
- fixed missing texture - red spawn
- fix roof over blue spawn exit where red could camp

Stage 2
- added in light red spawn room
- raised kill trigger on blast furnace to stop players from getting trapped in there
- deactivate red door to old spawn room to keep them from getting killed
- fixed a hol in the map
- made three of the doors (to ravine exterior) blue only to help keep red from geting into the warehouse so easily
- fixed a blue door trigger to keep blue from running around in circles
- clipped the two water towers
- changed a shack model so blue can go inside it

Stage 3
- Raised the skybox at the request of players

Read the rest of this update entry...
Oct 6, 2008
After some more game play on a 32 player server I have made some more modifications:

Stage 1
- changed choke point arch into a building structure to allow an alternate flanking path in the same location
- changed / modified center arch near red's final spot and cart path (minor change) to cut down sight line and make it easier for blue to push the archway - they now have some more cover.
- modified red sniper tower so they can't hide in doorways as much, the new flanking route will allow blue snipers to counter snipe more as red team snipers will now have to cover multiple angles instead of just focusing aim to specific locations.

Stage 2
- split part of blue's mid point spawn to divide red's pressure on blue middle spawns, blue can now attack red's final spawn more directly from another angle and take some of the pressure off their mid point.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Oct 6, 2008
After another couple of 32 player matches, I made another change to blue's mid point spawn in the 2nd stage stage to put more pressure on red and to counter them into a more defensive position.

Got the "Your gonna die" death trigger working properly. Basically I have a health kit and an ammo kit in a spot that clearly says - "do not enter" on it. I'm teaching people to read - lol

Added in a directional arrow for blue in the lake cave to give them a bettet indication that a new alternate path has opened up for them.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Oct 6, 2008
Hmmmm - can anyone give me any suggestions on what to do with the second stage - outdoor canyon area(inside section is working great). It seems like red (especially jumping classes) continue to harass the blue team too easily at their spawn points.

I've been thinking about:
- removing stairs to cliff where camper is (stops red non-jumpers from accessing the high ground period)
- building a new structure near the camper that blue can take and hold?
- removing the lower cliff ledge (under the camper side)
- doing something similar to the ledge on the opposite side
- maybe adding in some higher cliffs/obsticles/arches to restrict the jumpers more in flight - the gang that I play with love the maps I do because they can go almost anywhere but in this case the jumping is becoming a little to easy for the red team.
Jul 26, 2015
I've played this map a few times on the FITH server, and I think there are some interesting things in here that I like. That being said I think there are a few significant issues based on my experience playing.

1) The layout of the map is very unclear. Even with many signs and arrows, players still get lost trying to find the objective. The map itself should be what guides players in the right direction; arrows should only be used to reassure players that they're going the right way.

2) The map varies quite extremely between either very claustrophobic or very wide and open. Generally in TF2 you want gameplay spaces to be open enough for combat to take place, but not too open where snipers become overpowered. Some areas in the map have a lot of narrow passageways, tight rooms, and low ceilings. I felt that most of the staircases and walkways were way too tight and difficult to navigate. See this spot for example:


This corridor is irritating to just walk through, let alone having to fight in it!

Other parts of the map, however, have huge spaces where snipers dominate. Look at this:


Snipers standing here have a clear view of practically the entire stage, and are so far away from the players down below that there is no clear path to reach them. They are pretty much completely safe from anything other than other snipers. These two examples are by far not the only areas with these issues.

3) This map is DARK! Seriously, put some more lights in this map! There are too many places where you can't even tell what team someone's on (really, any places like these is too many). This makes the problem with snipers even worse when you can barely even see them.

Oct 6, 2008
Thanks for the report - yep have been playing it at FITH and making changes based on gameplay. The unfortunate part is that it has 'final' in the name. It was final 2+ years ago, but then I found out that they were playing it regularly on FITH so I decided to update/improve it for them.

The top image is something completely new to help out blue and the choke point (they were having a real hard time of it there) I'll look into changing it more when/if I get the chance(new job).

2nd shot - yep I modified part of that area, unfortunately for the worse the sniper cover got lowered and forgot to change stuff back - will fix it up.

3rd shot - lights ads onto entity counts and I'm floating currently about 1159 - 1600 crashes the map need to leave room for bullets/bombs maybe I'll put in a window behind the scouts back (no sniper access).

Thanks again.
Oct 6, 2008
Oct 6, 2008
I updated the map - here is the final version


Entire map
  1. Have re-textured most of the map specifically
  2. spawn rooms now have a central theme, so you know you are in one - same type of floor walls and ceilings
  3. railings are metal
  4. bridges are steel
Everything now looks better instead of blending into one type of item as it did in the past.

  1. Cave - new textures
  2. Lighting - have increased it throughout the map
Stage specific

Stage 1

  • in addition to the above - moved the entrance of the secret door for blue to make it a more direct entry point
  • did some work in the arch bridge section
  • red spawn stays the same throughout, blue spawn moves up to head to head battle for final cap point
  • red spawn improved exits for start of round and end of round
Stage 2

  • split the stage into two parts as the battle was too long and this stops the marathon battle
  • as above - cave has been remade - looks good
  • can ride in the carts easier - kill triggers have been removed
  • new spawn exit for blue - easier for them to fight up top, get to red's spawn and harrass them and vice versa.
  • two new arches to mid section added in - one for the above and another to help flank, if snipers don't get you first
  • shoot the dynamite warning appears earlier and so does the ability to blow it up.
  • on cap X or the line above, red's first spawn disables, 2nd spawn room becomes active.
  • new 2nd spawn room for red added in - so they can start a defense of warehouse set up
  • new entrance built above so blue can use the flanking route above to get to red warehouse(via the archway), blue can now attack both top and bottom.
  • on final cap blue - stage 3 rooms become active for blue
  • have increased the volume of the jazz music to add in some juice to your combat
Stage 3

  • blue team three new spawn rooms for the start of the round
  • red spawns - modified location of starting spawns + added in one extra for more of a balanced approach and head to head action
  • on cap - blue starting spawns disabled - 4 new spawns are active - again for a more balance attack route and head to head fights
  • mid cap area has been completely redesigned - new building structures created should be interesting fights - more head to head action
  • final cap zone has been redesigned - more wide open allowing red to move around more instead of being packed inside a box. alternatively, blue now has some advantages built in as well
Stage 4

  • basically the same, however, have added in a new 2nd spawn for blue to give you all that head to head action you seem to enjoy so much
  • added in a gate for the blue finale after the cap.