
PLR Panic b2


Jul 19, 2009
I liked the amusement park feel of the first point but I felt like it got lost in the second point and came back for the third point.

The dynamite is a nice touch but its a bit too gimmicky. In my opinion if fireworks were possible instead of small explosions itd look pretty sweet while still keeping the carnival-esque feel.

The last point is amazing btw. keeps teams on their feet. OHGODTHEYRECAPPING but WTFOURSISFALLINGBACK

good map, probably top 3 of the contest.
Aug 10, 2009
Alright, did a quick runthrough with noclip and the like, only came up with 6 spots that I thought could be considered 'dark' by some. I didn't shoot anything in the dim area though, but worry about that if the problem persists. Mostly it seems as though a few invisible lights here and there could help a lot.

#1 (stage 3), both sides are pretty dark, even by my standards.

#2 (stage 2) The corners facing each other are pretty dark in some sections, that place could use an overall lightening up though.

#3 (stage 3) The pic says it all :D

#4 (stage 3) this is right under the overhang literally at the end of the level, the stairs go up to the ramps dipping down. This was one of the darkest places I saw with a lot of almost black spots beneath stairs, or the bridge itself, keep in mind it's dark on both sides.

#5 (stage 3) a dark little hill right next to the previous picture, I do believe this is only on the right hand side facing the foompah.

#6 (stage 1) last and most likely least, this was the least dark of the pictures I took, even though it could be dark on other machines.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
Very helpful post

I love you, thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for (you even took time to edit the images too, so bonus points for that).

Who's next? ;)


L420: High Member
May 24, 2009
While playing this map I've found that most commonly the winning team wins because they camp the enemies' cart until it rolls back and off the cliff, while rarely pushing the cart to victory.

My suggested solution would be to decrease the rollback speed in the 3rd stage, and (jesus the carts are slow as hell going up) increase the upwards speed while being pushed. Many times I've seen players desperately scrambling to reach the cart in time, but it moves too fast and it's incredibly frustrating.


L1: Registered
Dec 2, 2009
does anyone else have a problem with waffle effects on other maps, after playing this plr_panic_b1? or is it just my server?


this happens regardless if the map was even finished. Seems just going to this map, then changing to another will create this problem.


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 5, 2009
Not exactly sure, but this should fix the particle bug on all official maps and some customs that run on our (not server. Put it into Steam/steamapps/USERNAME/team fortress 2
Aug 10, 2009
I love you, thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for (you even took time to edit the images too, so bonus points for that).

Who's next? ;)

I could take another look later tonight I'm going to be up late already. Those were most of the spots I found noclipping around as a scoot. Will edit this post if I do.

EDIT: Ok, so I decided to take another more in depth run through, sorry if I tagged anything I already have, I tried not to.
This time I turned down my tf2 brightness to the lowest and I dimmed my monitor to 50% in an attempt to see the darker shadows. Here's what I got (in order of stages, so stage 1, then 2, then 3).

STAGE 1*****************
So, this was the first I took, just right off the bat I noticed some dark shadows in those corners(they look darker in tf2). This is more of a nitpick than anything because I doubt those shadows could come to use unless you or supertoaster decided to become ninjas and snipe from there.

Another sort of a nitpick without any practical reasons aside from the spy that believes he's more invisible in the dark.

This was a bigger dark patch that I'm surprised I didn't notice before(one of my other pictures is directly under that one :/ maybe it's the brightness) anyways this could use a bit of lightening up or anti-depressants, your choice:

I'm fairly certain this is red side only, perhaps those with half broken screens with some black gauze in front playing next to the sun would think the same shadows are as bad for blue as well.

STAGE TWO********************

I had to fill it in :)
This was a single-side shadow, I believe.

Another single-sided shadow, this time on the red side of the map practically next to final cap:

Here's another single-sided shadow, again on the red side. This one wasn't as dark as the others but I felt that it was such a key place it could use a little more love :)

The final pic for stage two, this is right above the final one I took on my last check. I believe this is single-sided, on blue side.

STAGE 3**************************

This one could actually house some hidden operations right here, surprisingly close to the ones I took last time as well.

Finally, this looked like it could be a little more light up as well, it's the larger platform to the right of the final final final cap. I'm sorry I didn't check if it was on the other side or not :( cordon time!
Last edited:


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
Thanks for the massive help absurdistof. This gives me a good idea what kind of brightness levels to avoid. (I can still see perfectly fine in all the screenshots :p my monitor is probably too bright!)

I might crank up the general brightness just a bit and add some lights where appropriate. Thanks again!
Aug 10, 2009
Your welcome :)

To be fair, I cut my brightness in half, but that was only to see what it would look like to have a really dark setup. I wouldn't switch your settings, I only put those up so you could cater to those who are below average.


L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
Awesome job, im very happy you got second place, all time and effort was shown and well deserved.

Will be following till final.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008

I've been tinkering away at this in hammer for a few hours now, b2 is going to be all kinds of better with all the contest comments!

First out in the line of changes: No more dark corners and cleaner look. While the dirty brown look I have in b1 is cool. It gets kinda "meh" after a few rounds. Hoping to solve this my bringing more color to the palette!

It's still same old panic style, don't worry ;)


Oct 30, 2008
This could kill all of the gripes I had with this map in one blow.

Looking forward to it!


L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
It looks like you changed the skybox or alot ot lighting in that screenshot above, whatever you did it looks 10 times better. Much more crisp and easier to see from what i can tell.


L1: Registered
Nov 28, 2009
I really like how the cart falling down the ramp during stage 1's setup could kill you. When I first reached stage 2 I thought the dynamite that explodes at the end of setup could also kill (or at least damage) you. However, it ends up that the dynamite does nothing.

Was there a reason you didn't make the dynamite explosion do any damage? If not, I thought I'd throw in the suggestion now before you finalize the map.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
I really like how the cart falling down the ramp during stage 1's setup could kill you. When I first reached stage 2 I thought the dynamite that explodes at the end of setup could also kill (or at least damage) you. However, it ends up that the dynamite does nothing.

Was there a reason you didn't make the dynamite explosion do any damage? If not, I thought I'd throw in the suggestion now before you finalize the map.

The carts in stage 1 are obvious, and you expect them to do damage.
The dynamite in stage 2 are a little more strange, people don't really know what they are for the first time so suddenly killing the player would take away a lot of gameplay points (in my book).

I've been thinking about adding a push for them though, so you can go flying, but not insta-killing. How does that sound?

Sgt.Sausage: Yes I am working a bit on the skybox texture, thanks for noticing :)