
od_consignment erl04c


L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 16, 2019
od_consignment - Object destruction

Map for the Pick It Up contest!

the map has few new things to confused less players.
the system has been placed on od_canary and od_duckquarry but
od_canary wasnt updated and awaits for more fixed and od_duckquarry corrupted itself while i was placing it on maps.tf

later the version here may be deleted and replaced with brand new version but with more custom textures, models and custom announcer voice lines! don't worry the old announcer will stay.


L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 16, 2019
layout of the map has changed a bit.
added few elevated areas and made the map less open.
blue train sound has been fixed (was broken bcuz was connected to red one)
respawn time is now longer to make the win easier
train alert thing has been added
added sound for the bells at spawns
few areas are now available
added few "newbie" friendly spots (made few places doesnt require
jump + shift to get out or get it.)
changed texture location of platform in the middle. now it uses the same as the wheel on od_canary. (i accidently used old location)
made few more things that i forgot.

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L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 16, 2019
platform has been packed again. (it was but something bugged i don't even know what)

respawn time reduces from 18 to 14 (real respawn time was 30 and that was bit too long)

also cubemaps wasnt fixed because i didnt even add them yet.

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L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 16, 2019
the respawns has been moved to new locations to avoid the spawn camping and let players move more freely
in the middle new way has been added
respawn time decreased to 9 (probaly around 18-23sec)
packed the conveyer texture because last time i forgot about it
made a areaportalwindow to a house to disallow snipers see through the house from long distances
added few fence
replaced few textures

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L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 16, 2019
removed few props
map optimized bit more but still poorly i sorry.
forgot to make cubemap again.... im sorry for that too
added few displacement and brushes to make the middle less flat.
bomb time expended from 35 to 50
total time is now 15s longer to suit the bomb time
replaced view props to others to remove the feeling of crate world.

removed herobrine
^ i didnt even add him

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L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 16, 2019
small change on last trains (objective)
layout change on the middle
lowered the conveyer belt
elevated a little bit trains near conveyer belts to stand on the tracks
added one track prop
reduced the bomb time from 50 to 45
decreased total time by 15sec to suit bomb time
not fixed few things lol
renamed trains from train01 and train02 to sawmovelinear01 and sawmovelinear02 to get rid of this "sticky" situation.
one of the door front of respawn times has been removed
containers has been added and small medkit has been removed. rip ;c
removed few fences to make russian walls for better visibility and other reasons.

still didnt fixed few thinks until someone will report them ;3 im interested how long will it take but pls don't try to find that

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L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 16, 2019
made small optimalizations (probaly they are bad.)
mirrored healt kid and ammo pack near spawn (on blue was missing)

this is probaly the last update of this map before the pick it up event ends.

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L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 16, 2019
made small optimalizations (probaly they are bad.)
mirrored healt kid and ammo pack near spawn (on blue was missing)
fixed the typo. changed the "droped dynamite" to "dropped dynamite". i did it accidently and i wasnt paying attention to this until someone showed me in feedbacks.

this is probaly the last update of this map before the pick it up event ends.

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