
KotH koth_waterwheel a5


L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015
koth_waterwheel - Fighting for control of a water mill with a rotating waterwheel !


Koth map that has a rotating water wheel that player can climb on to. You can even use the water wheel kind of like an escalator to get to higher ground or into the other room.

Walrus Wambagoni

L1: Registered
Jul 31, 2017
This is a great idea, but I think that you should push the water mill a bit back, because it's really up against the point. Also, I think you should remove the caging inside the water mill, so that skilled players can shoot through it and kill those who are trying to hide


L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015
Got to playtest the last version and got some really helpful feedback. Players said the wheel was giving too much cover on the capture point, so the move the capture away from it. Also, the mid area was too open and had long sightlines. I expanded the wheelhouse to break up sightlines and move a lot of other things around to help.

Made a lot of changes for this version. Biggest thing I did was swap the waterfalls. So, now the death pit is on the flank side of the map instead of right by the point. The water and the wheel is now going in the opposite direction as last version. The wheel is now spinning towards the point, which I like better.

I really wanted to have the waterwheel work like an escalator but no matter how much clipping I added to it I would somehow get stuck and stop the wheel from spinning. So, I decide to put clipping around the whole wheel so you can no longer spin with it, and added a ramp so you can climb to the top of it. I might like this way better, It was really clunky before. You can now stand on the top of the wheel without holding s the entire time. Still all classes can climb up to the top of the wheel.

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015
This is a great idea, but I think that you should push the water mill a bit back, because it's really up against the point. Also, I think you should remove the caging inside the water mill, so that skilled players can shoot through it and kill those who are trying to hide
Thank you for the feedback! I just posted the next version of the map and move the capture point away from the wheel. The chicken wire texture on the wheel is solid, so it's really acting like a window. You can't shoot through it.


L6: Sharp Member
Jun 26, 2015
I remember seeing this map a few years ago. Was this the same map?


L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015
- Added fences to help prevent long sightlines
- Redesigned sniper deck area
- Removed mist particle effect from the waterfall by the point
- Added clipping on a roof that I missed (no one noticed in the playtest :p)
- Moved health and ammo packs under point over slightly
- Made the water deeper so players can distinguish themselves
- Added logs in the water under point to help accentuate that route.
- Added arrow to help show you can go on top the wheel
- Flipped wheel around because it was facing the wrong direction when spinning >.<

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Jun 5, 2014
That waterwheel is looking pretty good, along with the rest of this map and the concept in general. Keep it up!

Walrus Wambagoni

L1: Registered
Jul 31, 2017
Here's more advice that i think you should consider, mainly the last and first one

- There is a section that has running water under the point. It looks weirdly placed and is practically hovering.

- The death pit is a bit empty, you should add water or make the pit darker or something

- Maybe make the water end up near spawn, which can be like an underwater passage like in well or freight, because there are only 2 flanks, both of which are directly at the point.

- Extend the courtyard between the point and the hallways right ouside of spawn, because it is currently a very cramped and small map


L2: Junior Member
Sep 26, 2015
Got around to working on this map again. I made alot of changes. The biggest change is I completely scrapped the connector routes to the capture point and started fresh. It didn't come out exactly how I imaged it, though hopefully it will help the flow of gameplay.

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Walrus Wambagoni

L1: Registered
Jul 31, 2017
the side of the water wheel facing the point shouldn't have the ramp, because so it's more of a challenge to get up onto the waterwheel and attack the defending team just my thoughts though :D. Also,you know the cobblestone passage that's a closed gate between the bottom of the point and the suicide pit should be opened, for another flank route