[Guide] Hosting a Gameday

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master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
The meaning of "gameday" has changed from what it once was back in 2013 when Geit originally wrote the guidelines. Gamedays are now for scheduled events where a host picks a list of maps and plays them; that list is usually finished maps but can also be maps that are still a work in progress. I wanted to rewrite those guidelines just so there is something concrete out there rather than "just knowing".

0. Make sure you know how to host.
All hosts should be trained by other hosts before hosting a gameday. Shadow someone. As of right now the only way to get shadowed is being a Donator.

1. Check the map list.
We want gamedays to be scheduled in "advanced", this is especially true if the map list is well above 20 and we'll be more lenient if it's well below 20. Check that at the time of scheduling the map list is around or below 20. When the day comes for your event and there are more than 20 maps, the event will still go on unless it's during one of the "busy" times of the year. Those busy times can be considered september, november, and april now. Events should be rescheduled if they get bumped due to those busy times.

2. Gather the maps.
You should have download links or a zip of all the maps. This gives us a way to get a hold of the maps so they can be uploaded. Ping any server mod or higher in the discord to upload the supplied zip file.
Same rules for map test submissions apply for gameday maps.

3. Choose the server.
Depending on where you are located you might want the server that is closer to you. We have a server in the US and a server in the EU. Make it clear which server you intend to be on.

4. Make the forum post.
Going forward we are requiring all gamedays to have a forum post. We're doing this because of a calendar system on the site that allows for easy scheduling. Use this forum post to express what you're hosting, a cover image is good because we can use that in the discord events. See some of the previous gamedays for an example.
The forum post must contain:
  • The date of the gameday.
  • The time of the gameday.
  • The server it will be taking place on.
  • The list of maps being played.
  • A download link to a zip of all the maps OR individual links to each map.

5. Tell us you've scheduled a gameday.
We need to know about the gameday so it can get placed on the calendar, into the discord, and maps uploaded to the server.

6. Wait for the day to come.
As menacing as it sounds you need to wait for the event's day to come. Make sure you are on the server ahead of time, sometimes events can cause the servers to fill pre-event.

7. Get it announced.
Get the gameday announced on discord and steam. The scheduled event will start automatically, but having a ping will get people's attention.

8. Some things on the servers.
Each map you will need to disable the feedback round plugin, you can do that with “sm_fbround 0”.
Set the next gameday map. Use the command “!setnextmap cp_example_a1”.

Have fun, stay watchful. You are still the host and in charge of the gameday. Notify Server Mods of any incidents or use !calladmin if someone is causing trouble. You also have the ability to mute and kick. You can use the /imp command in the discord to see all commands that may be relevant!
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