
CP gothic b9


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
thanks all for your praise. i'm really glad you've enjoyed playing gothic :)

in terms of the stalling at C, whilst i could be wrong, i'd attribute that to bots being stupid and not understanding steel gameplay properly (i.e. a lot of them will jump in the water and swim under E and drown instead of trying to cap C).
i know the server you showed in the screenshots was a bot populated server, so that could explain why.
however, i think when i get around to updating and recompiling this map (which is a bugger to do since i have to compile it using an older version of hammer/vbsp thanks to changes in the manniversairy update making the SDK unable to compile this ... something about how brush faces are calculated...)
i'll definetly be going over C's ammo/health distribution. that full ammo kit round the back i think is probably too strong for it's location and size

Dat Chandelier...
what about that chandelier?

WTF... i just noticed gothic's been featured! when did that happen?!
wow, thanks guys. really appreciate it :)
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L1: Registered
Dec 3, 2011
Coooooooooool :) click the download button


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
so yeh. i did some tweaks to the old castle. my hope is that it's improved gameplay around C.

also this version is sans the explodey pumpkins and the HHH. so it's good outside of halloween time too.

unfortunately i still can't do anything about the lighting artifacts that show up in the higher levels around E... i dunno what's up with this, but it seems like the more geometry on the map the higher the chance of it occuring (same thing happened with canyonfodder too)

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
well, i've come back to this and addressed something that has bugged me for a long while now:
i've completely rebuilt the corridors between A and D and the corridors between B and C too.


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
so hey... i've made quite a lot of changes recently, some cosmetic, some gameplay and some both.

i've redecorated CP B so it's less boring looking (no more giant blank wall, and put a forge by the point instead of the crates that were there)
i've also changed how blue team enters B, giving a slight dropdown for it and generally trying to make it harder for them to be pushed up against their own spawn exit. i've removed the gargoyle arches near the point, as they just weren't fun and made the space too busy. and finally i've made a new room near the point that should allow for another flank option and/or a sentry spot.

CP C has had some attention too - i've moved one of the mausoleums and put some gaps in the wall to give blu some better sight on the cap point. moving the mausoleum should also allow red a firebase to help curb quick caps. (a good uber should break it however)

i've detailed the empty path just outside of the church front door - also allows some cover for an engi to set up a teleporter there too.

i've majorly reshaped the blue spawn room (hopefully it's more interesting now), with the hopes of making a more natural movement from spawn area to the cap points.

i've changed the wooden buildings on the approach to A, in the courtyard, as i want to prevent red having a good highground on players just entering the area + strengthen blue's high ground

with the change to the entrance into B, there's a possibility (if A hasn't been capped yet) for a player to be unable to return to spawn. i'm not sure how big a problem this is, as only jumpy players would be going that way before A is capped and they can jump back up. if it causes frustration for new players who go the wrong way however, i may put something in place to allow them to jump back up. i prefer to not do this, as i think the current layout i've put in makes it harder for red to lock blue into the spawn area.

another thing i'm not sure on is the red spawn access to CP B. i might need to make it so the doorways are wider (like double at the least) cos they just don't feel right currently, but i'll wait on feedback before doing this.

i've uploaded screens demonstrating areas with changes alongside the map update
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Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Glad to see you're updating cp_gothic, Ezekel.

Since the map is 82MB when uncompressed, it would really help if you repacked any future versions.


L420: High Member
Jan 29, 2015
Wow, what a ripoff of de_cbble



L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
Glad to see you're updating cp_gothic, Ezekel.

Since the map is 82MB when uncompressed, it would really help if you repacked any future versions.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll look into doing this on the next version


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008


L420: High Member
Jan 29, 2015
I'm not 100% sure, but I think Gothic came first (~2010)
Also, cobble's been in Counter Strike since around 2000.

Anyways, it really reminds me of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and the map is gorgeous. Well done.


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Yes, it reminds me of RtCW, too. From outside, anyway. The tall imposing square walls.


L11: Posh Member
Dec 16, 2008
ok i've made a number changes.
layout changes can be seen at A and C.
at C i've pulled the CP position back a bit and changed how red access the area:

at A i've opened up the area more. Most noticeably i've removed the stair case in the middle of the capture room and made A sit between 3 tesla coils. Also fewer boxes/crates:

another significant thing i've done is put a 'map' of sorts in each spawn room to give an idea of passage to the points.
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Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Thank you so much for repacking b7. 80MB down to 24MB. My computer thanks you.