
CP Foroglio A11B


41 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
A very small quick thing, I found this regenerate trigger which was applied to the wrong resupply locker model,
This leads to a pretty funny visual, but I'd still fix it

I couldn't find any other triggers that did this, but it might be a good idea to look through it.

Otherwise, good map! Really like the height variations and ideas surrounding the points!

Jack Lemon

L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2023
If you're interested in adding some custom props and texture to the map hit me up.
I love the italian feel but TF2 doesn't have that much italian stuff in it, so some stuff feels a bit mashed in but that's not your fault.

Average Tiddy Goth GF

L1: Registered
Nov 5, 2019

This is a gorgeous map with some really intricate map geometry and great aesthetics. I was not able to come across any major or even so much as moderate issues whilst playtesting.

There were a handful of a very minor things that I did notice; [DISCLAIMER: I can tell this map is still a WIP so you may already be aware of some of the things mentioned below!]

1; The second BLU side spawn upon capturing points A and B is very prone to spawn-trapping in it's current state. (This does seem to be a very fresh addition to the map so you are probably still working on it.)

Addendum 1.a;

2; Outside of BLU starting spawn you can stand on top of this arrow sign and somewhat awkwardly clip your face into the roof that extends over it (See addendum 2.a).

Addendum 2.a;

3; There appear to be quite a few roofs that are not solid like the rest, which leads to projectiles and ragdolls falling straight through, or getting half-ways jammed inside them [see Addendum 3.a & 3.b for further reference] (which I do find quite funny when it happens). I've marked the affected building locations for you on the map below.

Addendum 3.a;
Addendum 3.b;

Overall; This is a GREAT looking map and you've put forth some passionate work on creating a pleasant and fun gameplay experience. I hope to see you keep working on this!